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RIX78 last won the day on May 16 2014

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  1. Thanks so much for replying Niall. It turned it I was not using toolkit step in one of steps that was causing my failures.
  2. Hi , Thanks for excellent guides. I have one questions - If the HDD is not formatted , will this task sequence still display HTA , I don't see a format step before HTA. There is one format and partition step but those conditions will bypass new unformatted disk Could you please clarify ..? Thanks.
  3. Thanks Niall, I did try it but did not work. I was able to fix it by doing the following - From user account properties in AD , Selecting the UPN from drop down which is used in Windows Intune. - Removing user from Windows Intune group from Windows Intune Portal. Thanks again for creating such amazing easy to follow guides !!!
  4. When I try to enroll ipad using "add device" , I get error :UserLicenseTypeInvalid. Any ideas what could be causing this ?
  5. Thanks, That was helpful
  6. Niall, What hardware are you running for lab server ? You seem to run many many virtual machines on single server .
  7. Would the same steps apply for SQL Server 2008 R2 ?
  8. Boot image is 64bit , Created from MDT integrated TS
  9. Naill, I tried to add trace32 to boot image (Only trace32) , Created folder structure . When system boots I can F8 and see trace32 but it wont launch , It give message like subsystem not defined.
  10. Yes , I am opening IE and choosing "Run as Administrator"
  11. Yes, I am opening the webpage as administrator and SQL reporting services page opens, However there is no folder ConfigMrg_SiteCode folder on the page. I uninstall and reinstalled Reporting services role but still same result. No folder on the page. I also see srsps log http error 404 unauthorised.
  12. I am having issues with reporting services , No reports are showing up in the console. SQL reporting services is configured . I checked the srps installation log and installation was successful. There are three DB's ReportServer , ReportServerTemp ( as of SQL reporting services configuration) and SCCM2012 DB. It complains that SQL reporting services is not running. I reconfigured the Reporting services as mentioned in the post by creating a reportuser but when I open http://sccm2012/Reports , I dont see reports folder and when internet explorer is opened with run as admininstrator option.
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