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Well I have tried 20 variants of the above ..... nothing seems to work for me...... Office 2010 never appears in RAP (not sure if it even should with some of the specific attempts I've tried). I set it up.... leave the test machine alone for a couple hours and nothing ever happens..... nothing ever appears in RAP, nothing is ever installed, no errors are presented..... It just seems to sit there and blink like a dear in the headlights..... I am not sure where to go from here. I have started completely from scratch twice with the same result.... I have posted issues in here with no response..... I see others asking the same question, also getting no response....
I followed an almost identical walk-through for this process, prior to finding this one, from http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff404178.aspx. I had completed the walk through on that link and it basically just seemed to do nohing. I tried several times and each time waiting for up to an hour to see if anything had changed on the test PC. (Checking to see if the installed Office 2007 was magically now Office 2010). Needless to say it did not work for me. I then did some more searching and found this walk-through which reads very much the same as the above link, with the exception being the portion regarding the config.xml file. So I started over ... created a second .msp using OCT, ... created all the neccessary SCCM components (half was already done since I had just done it on the previous walk-through). I stopped at that point to check what I needed to do with the config.xml and I am not clear. I opened the .xml file in notepad just to see what it contained, and it is generic, containing none of the info that was specified in the OCT/msp creation. So I guess I am confused.... is the xml file intended to be generic even after running through the OCT process? Is that the xml file SCCM requries? I would appreciate some more explanation around the xml file.... before I run off and try more tests hopefully. Thanks in advance if anyone is still responding to this thread.
PC Replacement Scenario
Zeus_at_Work replied to Zeus_at_Work's question in Troubleshooting, Tools, Hints and Tips
Renaming the certificates worked to get me to the next step..... I also had another error following that.... mine was regarding being unable to create a local account called "admin". There are command line switches to specifiy whether to restore local accounts or not when using loadstate.exe. Personally I was never able to get any assistance on how to make use of those command line switches since my USMT package did/does not have an associate program. I could not manually run loadstate.exe /? to get those exact switches and there purposes becuase loadstate apparently does not run on server software.. So in my case and just to carry on with the test of this entire procedure, I got past my last error simply by manually creating the "admin" account on the destination PC. At that point the entire process completed successfully. Now however, I do not see the value of this process as it does not grab everything related to a profile... the first thing I checked was to see if it had transferred Outlook's NK2 file, and it had not. This is one of the files overlooked frequently when replacing pc's and I was hoping this process would eleimnate that... however I am finding it hard to envision a scenario when this process will save me any time over the way I have been doing it. It might be useful to me once or twice a year, which will in no way recoop the time invested to get it working.......... -
PC Replacement Scenario
Zeus_at_Work replied to Zeus_at_Work's question in Troubleshooting, Tools, Hints and Tips
Made a little progress..... loadstate.log now found and attached..... which only leads to a new set of errors. loadstate.log -
PC Replacement Scenario
Zeus_at_Work replied to Zeus_at_Work's question in Troubleshooting, Tools, Hints and Tips
Well I have more information now to add (as well as a loadstate.log which may no longer be relevant). 1. After argueing with myself for days I finaly decided to apply the hotfix (instead of removing kb974571 which wasn't present). There is also an associated hotfix which can be installed if someone wanted to leave that KB in place. So I downloaded the 64bit version of that hotfix, and when attempting to apply it to that machine I receive the error "You can only install this update on build 2195 to build 6005". The problem with that is that all of our new machines are Win7 SP1. SP1 puts the OS outside of that build limitation. I then did a little digging on that particular error to see if there was a more recent update which might apply or another method. On a Technet forum I found the following information (http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/configmgrosd/thread/53e310aa-3dfc-44ea-8e41-3ae1374d9437) which states: Before the cert fix tool is released, as a temporary solution you can manually correct the issue in existing certificates by the procedure below (and then you will be able to run the OSD procedure). 1. On a target agent, run "mmc.exe", click File> Add/Remove Snap-in, click Add, highlight the Certificates snap-in, and click Add. 2. In the Certificates snap-in dialog box, choose "Computer account", click Next, and click Finish. 3. Click Close to close the Add Standalone Snap-in dialog box, and click OK to close the Add/Remove Snap-in dialog box. 4. Browse to Certificates (Local Computer)> SMS> Certificates. You will have two certificates in the right pane -- SMS Encryption Certificate and SMS Signing Certificate. 5. Double-click to open one of the certificates, say SMS Encryption Certificate. 6. On the Details tab, click Edit Properties. 7. Edit the Friendly name to make it something like SMS Encryption Certificate1. 8. Click OK to close the two dialog boxes. 9. Double-click to open the certificate again. Edit the Friendly name back to SMS Encryption Certificate. Click OK to close the two dialog boxes. 10. Repeat the steps 5 - 9 on the other certificate. This solution (although a terrible solution when wanting automation, and not just swapping one client-side procedure with another) managed to get me past the original error code of 0x00002004. Sadly if there is no new update for Win7 SP1 I will not be able to use any of this as it still requires interaction just as often as doing the entire process manually (therefore not saving me 1 minute of time). I would still like to make this task sequence work however, so I would still appreciate some help. The new error I am getting (to steal a line from loadstate.log -> 2011-04-27 13:40:19, Error [0x000000] The account PC-5928\admin is chosen for migration, but the target does not have account PC-7019\admin. See documentation on /lac, /lae, /ui, /ue and /uel options. I guess my question is now, how do I utilize any of the command line switches when using straight SCCM with a USMT 4.0 package (and no program)? Am I not understanding? For now I am about to re-test and actually specifying users accounts within the computer association. Ideally though I want to use the command line switch to exclude any local accounts..... but unlike my other software packages which have programs that I can actually append a command line to the end, my USMT package does not? Also are you aware of any effort on Microsoft's part to release the same certificate update to actually be able to apply it to a Windows 7 SP1 edition? I sure hope so, otherwise this has been an expensive, and long process to accomplish very little....... PLEASE HELP! -
PC Replacement Scenario
Zeus_at_Work replied to Zeus_at_Work's question in Troubleshooting, Tools, Hints and Tips
Ok I am attaching the log file (smsts.log). I just finished another test this morning in order to provide the cleanest log possible... same failure 0x00002004 (not related to KB974571 as it isn't present). I have no idea where to find a loadstate.log and a search of the destination PC does not reveal one at all.... am I looking in the wrong place?smsts.log Also, from reading soem of your other related forum posts, and walkthroughs...... you mention two different types of computer associations (side-by-side and in-place) ..... and no matter what I have tried, when creating the computer association, it is always "side-by-side".... with no means of selecting or changing that? (not sure if that is relevant). Also, as a seperate troubleshooting step last night, I took the .mig file which is created in the "capture" task sequence, and is stored on the state migration point, and manually copied it to the destination PC and double clicked it. It prompted me for a password.... I tried a few guesses, but being that I have never set one I was never able to get past that. I also "guessed" it might be the "user state recovery key" as listed in the properties of the recovery information in the computer association, however that did not work either. -
PC Replacement Scenario
Zeus_at_Work replied to Zeus_at_Work's question in Troubleshooting, Tools, Hints and Tips
.... *edit* the error is 0x00002004 .. which, when searched, says to uninstall Microsoft Security update KB974571. However in my case that does not exist on either PC or the server...... so it isn't a part of the equation. I find no other solutions to that issue. I have the smsts.log file...... but no idea how to determine which error might be the cause... if any. -
Okay I cannot seem to make any progress at all. I have the need to grab user settings & data from an older PC and migrate them to a freshly installed new PC. I have read any and all topics, posts, walkthroughs and any related post I can find in this forum, to no avail. I have created 2 seperate task sequences, collections, and advertisements. 1 each for capture and Restore. Each Ts is fairly simple containing request, capture (USMT 4.0) and release, and then on the new pc, request, restore (USMT 4.0) and release. I created a computer association between the two pc's. Each time it successfully captures roughly 500mb worth of data and stores it on our state migration point. I can see the USMT.MIG file which appears to be created during the capture. Then using RAP on the destination PC, I run the advertised task sequence (restore) and it fails almost immediately with: "Restore has failed with error 0x00000004" .. and I cannot seem to find a relevant (or even long shot) solution. One post mentioned a security update which is not the issue as it is not present on any of the machines in question. Currently I am only trying to get this to work from a Windows 7 PC, to another new Windows 7 PC..... capture seems to work fine, restoer... no at all.
Honestly I am not sure how to respond to this. On one hand I appreciate the fact that at least someone responded. On the other hand I am frustrated and annoyed that it seems every time I ask a question to a forum of experts they never seem to address the question, but rather suggest yet another alternate method or tool to accomlpish the same thing that is one of the inherent features of the product I am already using, and the specific forum in which I've posted the question. It is akin to posting "How do I........... in Microsoft Word?" in a Microsoft Word forum, and being told "Use Open Office". The method mentioned in my original post is the method I'd like to use, there is no reason it should not work, it is the method that best suits the environment and addresses the needs of the particular situation. Hardlink is not an option in my particular case as I am not refreshing an existing box but rather trying to transfer user settings from an "old" box (still windows 7) to a new box (also windows 7). I've created the TS exactly as described in my original question, I've created the computer association, i've created two seperate attempts, 1 using a single collection and a single advertisement, the other splitting the TS in to "capture" and "restore" portions, and then used two seperate collections for capture and restore and two seperate advertisements, one for each collection. I have tried several variations of the described method.... The question wasn't "can someone tell me a completely seperate alternative using another product or proocedure that takes more hours to set up when the end task only takes 10 minutes to do manually..... how is that an effective use of time....... I can do this manually in 10 minutes, maybe 15....... instead you'd suggest I spend hours, on top of the hours already spent setting up and configuring SCCM to accomplish a 10 minute task..... I would have to do this procedure 500 times to make the trade off a worth while one. That is why I want to use the method described above as it was simple, elegant, and I can see no reason why it should not work, yet it doesnt seem to. The question was .... how do I make the method I listed work... or troubleshoot it when it doesn't? I am stuck......... and apparently won't get the help I seek here.... Thank you for the "response" but it didn't address the question whatsoever.
Well I am back and having more issues with SCCM.... hopefully I have the right forum. I regularly use SCCM 2007 (R2) to deploy Windows 7 machines. It works "flawlessly" in that regard. Something I am unable to accomplish though, is user migration from "old pc" to "new pc". So I have set up a test, using my physical office PC (Windows 7) and a Virtual PC (which I imaged using SCCM - also Windows 7). I then followed the directions on the following link to create a task sequence to migrate user settings from source to destination PC's. I then wait..... and wait....................... and wait. I never see any action on either PC and am somewhat lost as to where to go from here. The directions I followed were here http://www.opsvault.com/how-to-migrate-user-state-between-pcs-using-sccm-2007-task-sequences/ and they all seemed fairly straight forward, except at the end it does not really mention how to advertise that task sequence (or whether you need to using the computer association). I've set up a collection that contain the source and destination pc's only, and advertised the above task sequence to it as mandatory (as soon as possible). Nothing ever seems to happen though! If I check the State Migration Point it is configured, and when checking the physical location it is configured for I even see new folders underneath it for today's date and roughly the time I began this test... with a USMT folder and MigrationStatus.xml file..... I am guessing that is the effort it made to grab the user settings from the source...... but when/how/where does it ever get pushed out to the destination PC? Am I missing someting? It seems like a pretty important part of SCCM... I'd like to undersand what I am doing wrong or what I might try from here. Any help is appreciated however, I only have a 5 day course on SCCM and 3-4 months of experience so if you are going to ask me to show you this log or perform that task.... please also include how I might accomplish that. Thanks again... I'd love to make this work........ so far no joy!
Zeus_at_Work started following User Migration Confusion
well... don't hold your breath.... not a single suggestion or solution from here got me any closer to being able to do what I want to do... in fact half the suggestions (ie: install the console) only caused more un-answered questions..... already moved on... Ghost does what I need and doesnt try to cook me dinner as well, or tell me what time to go to bed..... take care Anyweb
yup... did that... if i hadnt have killed it, it would still be sitting there trying to connect... Please don't waste your time trying to help me with this product, I won't be using it and I've asked this thread be turfed..... others should save their time as well... mine's valauble to me and any product that monopolizes 4 days of work time and accomplishes absolutely nothing.... is a waste of code.....
** Please delete this thread..... it's pointless to keep as it can't possibly be useful to anyone **
Well after waiting an hour im sure this process is as fruitless as any of the others I've attempted with sccm...... sop far im 0 for 10... and not a single solution to any of them have appeared anywhere....... I have an XPSP3 workstation for imaging... nothing else on it except antivirus.. it is a clean OS otherwise... and regardlses of what we try it wont connect to the specified site... I'm glad Microsoft doesnt make cars.... it would take 5 people to drive one, it wouldnt work half the time, and when you asked for help.... invariably someone would claim that they make wonderful cars because once you learn how to use them, they can also make you dinner, wash your clothes, record your fave. movie, and be your answering machine.... of course any single one of those options would only work 1/4 of the time.... but someone would still swear that is fantastic because it can do so much! Thanks for the "help".. enjoy the evolution of SMS.... it never was good, and apparently never will be. There are far superior products for far less cash.... and im off to use one now.... peace out!