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Everything posted by peled

  1. Hi Thanks for your reply. Bits settings are ok. I'm migrating from an old SCCM site that is still working and i have no problem with clients that working (in the same environment) set to the old server. any other ideas?
  2. Hello all We are intenndig to work with GPO Preferences on our windowsXP SP2 clients. I must check if microsoft KB915865 and KB943729 are installed on all the workstations (about 1100 WS). The build in SCCM reports (Software Update states) are not giving us the right status. Any other ideas? Thanks Peled
  3. Hello We just installed a new SCCM 2007 SP2 R3 server. When distributing application to clients, it takes a long long time to dowload source to the Cache. The server is working fine accept this issue. Any direction to check this? Thanks Peled
  4. Thanks Eswar ..... it just what i was looking for.
  5. We need to run somthing on all our Virtual server and something else on all Physical servers via SCCM. Does someone know how can i create colletion of report with all Virtual servers and anothe one for all the Physicals? Thanks Peled
  6. Hello frinds We have two sccm on two different networks. About 2000 Clients on each one. Every day we'r getting few clients that when you try to remote control them, it prompt for user name and password. The user that trying to remote have administrator rights on the rempote client. Even if you try to type the Client local administrator, the remote conftrol is failed with "access denied" masseg. Uninstall and reinstall the sccm client is not helping. Any suggestions? Thanks Peled
  7. Thanks. I didnt noticed that i can type there and set a new Category. Thanks a lot
  8. Hello frinds How can i set Categories, for programs that are showen in control panel, at the clients side. We start to have lots of programs there and it start to be hard to find specific program. Thanks Peled
  9. That was realy very good. Another Problem .... how can i add numbers of CPU Cores to this report? I'm trying to lern from the document you sent me how to do it my self but untill then... it is realy arjent so i need your help again :-) Thanks
  10. Thanks Anyweb - but please again ..... did you work with this role before? Thanks
  11. Thanks Eswar. Graet information about reports. The OU data is causing dupleaction for each computer. Is there a way to get it in other way? If not i will have to work it out in Excel Thanks
  12. Hello all We are going to install new SCCM 2007 SP2 R2. until now we used to install it on SQL 2005. Is it better to install it with SQL2008? Thanks Peled
  13. Hello all Soon, we will start moving to Windows7. I have built in report for Windows7 Assessments (Code attached). I need to add to the report, few more datiales about computers: OU of the computer account in the AD. Last logon Username Last hardware scan date Can enyobe assist with this? Thanks Peled Threport Code: SELECT DISTINCT SYS.Netbios_Name0, fcm.SiteCode, OPSYS.Caption0 AS 'Operating System', OPSYS.Version0 AS 'Version', OPSYS.CSDVersion0 AS 'Service Pack Level', CASE WHEN (OPSYS.Caption0 LIKE '%Server%') OR (OPSYS.Version0 < '6.0.6001') OR (OPSYS.Version0 = '6.0.6001' AND OPSYS.CSDVersion0 < 'Service Pack 1') THEN 'FAIL' WHEN OPSYS.Caption0 IS NULL THEN 'UNKNOWN' ELSE 'OK' END AS Status0, ROUND (CONVERT (FLOAT, PROC1.MaxClockSpeed0), -2)/1000 AS 'Processor (GHz)', CASE WHEN PROC1.MaxClockSpeed0 IS NULL THEN 'UNKNOWN' WHEN ROUND (CONVERT (FLOAT, PROC1.MaxClockSpeed0), -2)/1000 < 2.6 THEN 'FAIL' ELSE 'OK' END AS CpuStatus0, ROUND (ROUND(CONVERT (FLOAT ,MEM.TotalPhysicalMemory0) / 1048576, 2) * 1024, 0) AS C083, CASE WHEN MEM.TotalPhysicalMemory0 IS NULL THEN 'UNKNOWN' WHEN ROUND (ROUND(CONVERT (FLOAT ,MEM.TotalPhysicalMemory0) / 1048576, 2) * 1024, 0) < 2048 THEN 'FAIL' ELSE 'OK' END AS Status0, ROUND (CONVERT (FLOAT, LDISK.FreeSpace0) / 1024, 2) AS FreeSpace0, CASE WHEN LDISK.FreeSpace0 IS NULL THEN 'UNKNOWN' WHEN ROUND (CONVERT (FLOAT, LDISK.FreeSpace0) / 1024, 2) < 16 THEN 'FAIL' ELSE 'OK' END AS Status0, MAX (DA.AdapterRAM0) / 1024 AS AdapterRAM FROM v_FullCollectionMembership fcm JOIN v_R_System SYS on fcm.ResourceID=SYS.ResourceID LEFT OUTER JOIN v_GS_PROCESSOR PROC1 on SYS.ResourceID = PROC1.ResourceID LEFT OUTER JOIN v_GS_X86_PC_MEMORY MEM on SYS.ResourceID = MEM.ResourceID LEFT OUTER JOIN v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM OPSYS on SYS.ResourceID = OPSYS.ResourceID LEFT OUTER JOIN v_GS_LOGICAL_DISK LDISK on SYS.ResourceID = LDISK.ResourceID and LDISK.DeviceID0=SUBSTRING(OPSYS.WindowsDirectory0,1,2) LEFT OUTER JOIN v_GS_VIDEO_CONTROLLER DA on SYS.ResourceID = DA.ResourceID WHERE fcm.CollectionID = @CollID GROUP BY SYS.Netbios_Name0, fcm.SiteCode, OPSYS.Caption0, OPSYS.Version0, OPSYS.CSDVersion0, PROC1.MaxClockSpeed0, MEM.TotalPhysicalMemory0, LDISK.FreeSpace0 ORDER BY 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 1
  14. Boundaries are different - each site have his own Boundaries.
  15. We have two SCCM Sites. Site1 is for managing Workstations - Application deplyment, Software updates ect. Clients of this site are just Workstations. Site2 is for managing Servers - Reporting and Software updates. Clients of this site are just Servers. Is it ok to the SCCM Server, that hold and manage the workstation site (Site1), to be a client of the Servers site (Site2) - tahts mean that i will install SCCM cilent on this SCCM server and set it to the Servers site. Thanks a head Peled
  16. Hello All We are thinking about starting to use "Wake On Lan". We have New and stable SCCM 2007 SP2 R3 enviroment. Can someone share his experience working with Wake On Lan? Thanks a haed Peled
  17. Yes. I did like it show in your link. I didnt check it whitout full OSD TS - I will now.....but i think it wont work.... that because the New Computer Recorde in the SCCM for the install computer.... Did you secceded with this?
  18. I want to use the "Install softwares" with the "Install multiple applications" option during TS. I read this: Deploying Multiple Packages With OS TS My AD Computers Accounts are members in groups, and i have collections base on these groups. I implemented like it writen in the above link but its not working. my problem is that when computer is Refresh by the TS, a new recorde of the computer is created in the SCCM DB and it is not member yet in the collections that have the "Task Sequence variable". the old computer SCCM recorde is bacome obsolte. What am i doing wrong? Tahnks Peled
  19. Thanks. I know i need to create a recurring schedule and i did .... I set it as mandatory on "Logon" but it didnt work.
  20. Hello all I need to set Advertisment as mandatory, to run every logon. I set the program to "Only when a user is logged on". I set the Advertisment as Mandatory at logon and "Always rerun program". The Advertisment run the program just once. What am i doing worng? Thanks a haed Peled
  21. I want to build a collection that will inclode all Computer that sub net is 10.10.10.x & 10.10.11.x, that are NOT members in Group1 from AD. Thanks Peled
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