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Everything posted by XistEnCe

  1. Hi there! I've been upgrading our Exchange 2003 environment to 2010 (as you probably can see from earlier threads on here..). We've run in to a problem with the use of calendars and free/busy sync. When you're trying to invite people to attend to a calendar event, and you check the "planner". Their bar is just grayed out and you can't see when people are free/busy. I cheked the Event Viewer on the exchange 2010 server, and I can see loads of entries for: Couldn't find an Exchange 2010 or later public folder server with a replica for the free/busy folder: EX:/O=COMPANY/OU=FIRST ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP. Does this have anything to do with the problems? How would one go about fixing this? Can I make a new free/busy folder on the 2010? We do not want to use public-folders anymore, so it would be great to just get rid of it now so we don't have to replicate. Thank you for any replies on this topic!
  2. Is this separate from the mailbox itself? In the case, does these have to be moved manually? How would one do that?
  3. Everything looks to be OK now - except the calendars. Seems like everyone is experiencing "No Connection" message, when trying to browse shared calendars! What could be the cause of this?
  4. Already got one! Had a quick chat with the provider aswell, and they confirmed my theory about WinMo not supporting that kind of cert. So the fix is possibly installing the root cert manually (which I will confirm within the next hour or so). But yeah, what happens to calendars and such? No changes there? Nothing I need to consider?
  5. Ok, solved this too! It was a pretty new kind of root certificate, which the WinMo 6.5 didn't have installed. Installed it manually and it worked. Info on the syncing apple products didnt include domain, so after inputting that - they all synced. I'am now a happy man with only one question left! What happens to calendars and rights to view other peoples calendars after such a move?
  6. Seems like the issue got resolved. The rights for the account wasn't inherited on one of the DCs (for some reason?). Now I'm just stuck with Cert issues.. Android devices can sync, but not WinMo 6.5 or iPhones! Gotta love Exchange
  7. Just got a heads up about permissions in AD, and inherit (When account is Domain Admin). Checked and confirmed the permissions are inherited. Still not working!
  8. Hey Again! Entering the final stage of testing here. I'm having some problems getting my mobile phone to sync against the 2010 server. Is there anything special I need to consider when configuring the 2010 environment? Could it be blocked ports, misconfiguration? I have no idea where to start looking for errors, so if anyone have pointers on where to look - I would be a very happy man! -Android Phone- This far, I connect to the domain (which points towards the FW that has NAT towards the exchange behind) and can authenticate against owa.domain.com I get the list of what items I want to sync, and press the "complete now" button. Then it just keep working at completing everything, and it just times out - and tells me to try again later. -WinMo- After completing the configuration, it tries to load the folders and content of the account. It stops, and gives the error message (0x80883002). Started kicking on SSL settings the first time around, so the above error happens with no ssl required. Is this a known issue for someone? Appreciate any quick feedback on this!
  9. You're definitly a lifesaver Andersson! I'm thinking about just leaving the public folders be for now. I'd rather get it out of the way now, than keep it in prod. any longer! Since there's better solutions to this
  10. Hello again! One step closer, and we've got some sort of co-exist atm. There has been a decicion made to just make the switch, and turn of the 2003 for good. How would I do this in the best way? What changes need to be done to run this on a single 2010 server? Removing connectors ect.?
  11. That explains alot.... I'll definitly get that sorted out then! Thank you very much! I see, I see - Then we're on track. No, nothing to stop trafiic there but thanks for the heads up! Yeah, it's been a good read this far. *crossing fingers this is the last bit before everything is working* Thank you very much for your help again Andersson!
  12. I will rephrase the question: When I open for access to legacy.mydomain.com, it will point towards the same firewall as the new mail.mydomain.com This will cause problems since it's both on the same ports? DNS records are beeing made in time for changes to take effect in the service window we've made for doing the job, and all that is OK. Using 4 SANs atm, on the same certificate, and that seems to work out just fine (from what we've done of internal testing). What do I have to change in the FW? So I guess the answer to my question, is to have a second static publicly avalible IP-address for the legacy.mydomain.com? I've been reading the "upgrade from exchange~" one all day, which made me reach this point - so it's a great tip! Is it also a bad sign if the 2003 server isn't showing up anywhere in the EMC? I read a tip about changing the 2003 domain from the 2010 EMC, which isn't possible from what I'm seeing.. Thank you very much for the great help this far Andersson!
  13. I really wish I knew how it was fixed but a colleague of mine actually did it. Definitly doing some digging, when things are up and running 110% and I will for sure post the fix here! I'll have a read too, thank you very much!
  14. Hello again! I've now completed the setup of a new Exchange 2010. Mail flow is OK, cartificates is ok, and I can reach both web-frontends from the internal network. Now to the question.... How do I actually pull off the switch, and make them co-exist and avalible from the outside world? From the intel I've gathered, I've seen that I need to change the domain we use for accessing webmail. This points to 2003 today, and needs to point to the 2010. The old server, will be avalible at legacy.ourdomain.com/exchange. But how will the traffic go? When a user access mail.ourdomain.com it gets pointed towards the same firewall (non microsoft), as the old one used to. It will hopefully hit the 2010 CAS (after DNS are fixed), but what happens if the user is still on 2003? What address will it point the user towards? Will the URL change? If someone access the webmail today on mail.ourdomain.com (2003), and their mailbox is on 2010; it tries to redirect - to the internal FQDN(!?). Is this supposed to work both ways? I'm so puzzled right now, and will be really happy for any replies on this topic!
  15. Faulty connector fixed, now on to getting the 2010 CAS handle OWA instead of 2003..
  16. Wants to throw his exchange servers out the window..

  17. Hi! Kinda forgot about this post untill now! I'm still battling with the mailflow.. After a mailbox is migrated (or is made on the 2010 server), it still can't recieve e-mails. Sending works just fine, but if someone tries to send an e-mail to a box on the 2010 server - a failed to send message pops back, and the inbox on the target mailbox is just as empty as before. This is what you get in return: Meldingen kom ikke frem til noen av eller alle mottakerne. Emne: tester Sendt: 24.03.2011 13:44 Kan ikke nå følgende mottaker(e): Tester den 24.03.2011 13:44 Du har ikke tillatelse til å sende e-post til denne mottakeren. Kontakt systemansvarlig. <2003exchangeserver.domain.local #5.7.1 smtp;550 5.7.1 Client does not have permissions to send as this sender> (Pardon the Norwegian message, and I can translate if needed!) What's wierd in the above reply is: The old mailserver gives me the reply AND "client does not have permissions to send as this sender"? Sounds like the 2003 server, can't pass on the message to the 2010? Do I HAVE to publish the CAS(2010) server? Will it never work having 2010 "in the background" for now?
  18. The guide got me far along the way of getting to 2010! But now I'm stuck.. After moving a mailbox from 2003 to 2010 - I can't recieve e-mails anymore! Is this just poorly configured recieve connectors? And the second issue is, when I try to access the webmail - with the old url(which should be the same), it tries to redirect me to the 2010 web-access part, but it tries to find the server on it's internal FQDN.. Which obvously doesn't help me much, from the internet.. Any pointers on this is VERY much appreciated!
  19. Thanks a million for the reply! I'll definitly check that guide
  20. Hi! I was wondering if anyone have any guides they reccomend when Edit: migrating transitioning (it's within the same forest) from an Exchange 2003 environment and over to 2010? I've already setup the 2010 server, but haven't configured it yet. Any pointers / links / guides would be very much appreciated!
  21. This looks alot like my post about the exact same thing! 2 years after the last reply in this post... http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3146-pxe-boot-requirements/page__st__20 Still looking for a fix..
  22. One step closer here now. Just to confirm... DHCP Options: 060 - Value: PXEClient 066 - Value: FQDN of SCCM server 067 - REMINST/Boot/x64/pxeboot.com I've got an advertise out for an OSD TS, on a collection with a newly "imported" PC (with correct MAC-), double checked and updated the DP with x86 and x64 boot images (the ones avalible from installation of SCCM). So far so good? Now, I get the: PXE-T04: Access violation. PXE-E36: Error recieved from TFTP server And then it exits. What I can see is that it always gets it's IP from the secondary DHCP (The one not running SCCM, but it's the main DC). I tried disabling the DHCP service on that box, and the result is that the booting PXE client get no DHCP at all (taking ages) and in the end times out. With "PXE-E55 ProxyDHCP: No reply to request on port 4011". One step closer from before, but I'm even more puzzled now Any comments would be appreciated! EDIT: After removing option 060 from the DHCP scope options of the server containing SCCM (and pausing the other dhcp), it falls back to the earlier PXE-T04: Access violation. PXE-E36: Error recieved from TFTP server But now with the SCCM server as DHCP. Another Edit: if I try to tftp (from cmd) on any computer in the domain - I can't connect and download the file from the SCCM server. I've seen loads of tests looking like so: tftp -i ip.of.sccm.server boot\x64\pxeboot.com I've tried with both forward and backward slash, but no luck. I can access the share, but not getting anything from tftp.... That's probably a bad thing? It times out if I write >tftp -i ip.of.sccm.server get boot\x64\pxeboot.com Tidsavbrudd oppstod. Mislykket forespørsel om tilkobling (Norwegian for timeout!) If I change the slashes, I get the Access Violation error.
  23. When accessing the ccmsetup.exe file on a share, from a computer that's in the domain - the client will not install. When doing the exact same thing (with the same credentials), on a computer that's not a member of the domain, everything works fine! Could anyone give a pointer?
  24. I'll give that a go then! I can't see how that should matter - But I'm definitly willing to try, and learn! One thing I know for sure, is that SCCM lives its own life and you'd better learn to treat it well
  25. I don't get any other reply from the PXE other than the PXE-E53. I should be able to connect to it, and it should load without the advertisment - yes? As it does so with a boot-cd or usb stick, but then gives me the error that it doesn't have a TS-advertisement.
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