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Everything posted by Dogpatch

  1. I have been working with MDT 2010 since January and my only training has been information I put together from the internet. So I'm pretty sure I am missing something. My process so far has been simple. I create a Core Deployment share. This is what all my images are built from. Then I add my apps, OS, packages (if any), and drivers. Then I configure my TS with a Standard Client Task Sequence adding in the app installations, custom scripts, ect. I then link that to a new deployment share named for the current build and replicate. Once that is done I make media (usually a bootable usb) and install that on the user's PCs. I have not been using SCCM because one I don’t understand it completely and two I don’t have the recourses. I have just recently been deploying an image to a vm to set some configurations then capture a custom image for deployment. But I can’t seem to get the settings from my config account to transfer over to the default account. I don't know I feel like I'm all over the place here. If anyone reads and understands this let me know what you think. Or if you know a start to finish guide for deploying windows seven point me that way. Most of the stuff I have read seem to center around SCCM. Anyway thanks for listening
  2. OK I have a question I need some expert advice on. A little back ground: My organization is about to move to Windows 7 and it has fallen on me to figure out how to create a deploy-able image to assists in this migration. I am using MDT 2010 to create a custom installer that can be applied to the PCs when we migrate them. I have all the application that need to be installed, the OS image, and everything set up in MDT. However, one application (an msi) installer is having issues running. I keep getting back "unexpected return code: 193" which seems to mean that it is not a valid windows application. This can't be true because I am able to run the installer manual and it works just fine. I am sure I have done something wrong but I just can't seem to figure it out. Any suggestions?
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