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Everything posted by Babs

  1. Did you have any luck with this? We just got Adobe CCE and I'm having a lot of trouble getting installing it correctly (or at all) with SCCM 2012 R2.
  2. I'll have to look into the account issue part. Any idea where I should start or what I should be looking for? I'm using SMSadmin (a domain admin account) on almost every service, including DB access. I have yet to remove the ISS role. I will try that. The only snag is, there is no explanation or guide out there that explains what IIS services are needed for SCCM to run smoothly. I've just been "winging" it, adding services as errors show up in the logs. Thanks SO much for you suggestions! I'm going to check out your site too.
  3. Ok, so after the issue happened again last night I have more information to share. This is not an attempt to bump this post. I discovered that late in the evening, a few hours before the MP failed and threw a 5436 error the system posted Message ID 3400 (see image). When trying to resolve this issue I came across the schedule.log (see image) that listed the jobs that were trying to replicate to this other site "WWU". I don't have any other sites, so this is odd. I do not know how to remove these jobs, and again, the net is less than helpful on this matter. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
  4. Did you try giving Everyone "Read" access to the share? I had this problem and it seemed to clear up my content distribution issues.
  5. Preface: Running SCCM 2012 on physical hardware, with MS Windows Server 2012 and SQL Server 2012. I know it isn't officially supported, but thus far most everything is working splendidly! So, I know I post more questions than answers here, but I'm still getting my feet under me with SCCM 2012. I need some brilliant minds to help me unravel an issue I've been having for some time now. My site statuses are all great except for my Management Point status. I keep getting a recurring critical error (Message ID 5436). I discovered that if I remove the MP role and re-add it, the MP status resets and works fine...for a while. But if I come in the next morning the error has reappeared overnight. I've spent a lot of time trying to resolve the issue on my own but can't seem to track down the cause. The logs are mildly unhelpful, given I don't know what I'm looking for. I have a hunch it could be related to IIS (which I know very little about) and the web has yet to be helpful in regards to setting up IIS to play nice with SCCM. I resolved an issue related to WebDav that seemed to clear up a smaller MP issue, but this one still persists. Is there any help someone can provide me outside of what is listed in the error message? I have attached a screenshot of my mpcontrol.log in an effort to be helpful. If there is any other info I can provide I would gladly give it to try and work through this problem. Thanks in advance for the help!
  6. This is really a head-scratcher for me. I setup SMSinstaller as my network access account and gave it full access permissions on the entire storage array. After successfully creating a package, monitoring still posts 2306 followed by a 2302 on deployment. I'm just at a loss here...
  7. Any chance I could get a url to browse to? I can't seem to find a direct reference to the creation of a "sources" folder on W-Noob. I have a hunch I am missing something critical in my setup of that folder.
  8. Is there any way you could add a link to the guide you're speaking of? You are probably correct. The Storage folder is my attached storage array. The same array houses the "SCCMContentLib", "SMSPKGD$", "SMSPKGSIG", and "SMSSIG$" folders. By "network access account" do you mean SMSadmin? Could you elaborate on where or when I would have configured my "software distribution account"? I'm assuming your talking about SMSadmin here too. SMSadmin is indeed a member of the local administrators account.
  9. Thank you both so much for your time and efforts! I was sure you had solved my problem, since I had added users and not machines to my NTFS and Sharing permissions. I added my server ("SCCM") to both, checked to make sure the server was an admin on itself and then gave it a shot. No joy. Attached is the full notification I received under DP Configuration Status details. I noticed this morning that I received the error after I created the application and before I deploy it (ie when the deployment type is created). I'm sure I'm missing something super simple, but I'm really new to this system. I was given a server, the software and a book. Needless to say, I'm pretty inexperienced at this point. Thanks in advance for any further insights you can provide!
  10. I've been having trouble deploying packages to collections for a while now. I've spent a great deal of time looking through forums to no avail. I have created a test application as per the Windows-Noob article here. I then tried to deploy the application via the article instructions. The app fails to deploy and in the Monitoring section returns a critical errors under SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER. The two primary Message IDs are 2306 and 2302 (see attached images). When viewing the "Deployments" tab, the application sits at 0.0% compliance and obviously never makes it to my client's Application Catalog. My guess is that I'm having rights issues. My .msi is located on attached storage that has been shared, which begs me to question: Must I add share permissions for all domain users in order for distribution? Additionally, under the Security permissions for the drive I have given all Domain users read/execute rights. Please note: I am indicating that there are two separate places where you can adjust permissions, Sharing AND Security. Any help would be most appreciated!
  11. Ideas, anyone?... I've hit a roadblock...
  12. Thanks for the above. I have acutally done that for all of my other collections. I have a wonderful list of collections based upon OUs. My problem arrises (and I should have been more specific) in that there are multiple machines in this OU I'm trying to pull from (ie. I'm trying to pull a subset from a specific OU). If I simply query the entire OU I get more machines than I want, that's why I'm trying to create a collection based on the machine name. Additionally, are there any good resources online that list examples of SCCM WQL statements for collection creation? I appreciate your time!
  13. I just don't think I'm compiling the query correctly. I'm really new to WQL and I'm sure I'm simply garbling up the statement. In an effort to be more clear let me give you a scenario: I have three helpdesk computers I want to single out and put in their own collection so-as to assign specific client settings (ISSUPPORT01D, ISSUPPORT02D, ISSUPPORT03D). I'm sure they could be added individually to a collection (though I have been unable to successfully setup/write a query to do so), but I think the more efficient way to proceed would be to add them to a collection based on the System > Name attribu tes using an "is like" operator and a value of "ISSUPPORT" (see image). Any further assistance would be most appreciated!
  14. I found the answer to my own question. I merely had to rerun my Active Directory System Discovery.
  15. I'm looking to do the inverse of the above. I removed a collection and inadvertently removed the devices from the DB. How do I rebuild the DB so said devices repopulate in my "All Systems" collection?
  16. So, I've ran into a bit of a conundrum. I have a large amount of domin-joined devices populated and organized in AD. I want to break them up for specific software deployments by further separating them using Device Collections in SCCM 2012. I use System Resource > System OU Name to break them down into generalized collections, but often times need to break them down further by either excluding nested OU's or only including devices with specific naming strings. My conundrum is this: When creating a query that only lists machines with a specific name string I get no results listed in the collection (see example 1). Additionally, I can't seem to write a query that excludes nested OU's (see example 2). EXAMPLE 1: select * from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_SYSTEM on SMS_G_System_SYSTEM.ResourceId = SMS_R_System.ResourceId where SMS_R_System.SystemOUName = "DOMAIN/ITS/WORKSTATIONS/SUPPORT" and SMS_G_System_SYSTEM.Name like "%ISSUPPORT%" EXAMPLE 2: select * from SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.SystemOUName = "DOMAIN/COMPUTER LABS" and SMS_R_System.SystemOUName != "DOMAIN/COMPUTER LABS/CLASSROOMS"
  17. I'm experiencing the same issues in the 2012 RTM environment. Content status states "Distribution Manager failed to access the source directory..." Additionally I am receiving a Critial SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER (2302) error in Component Status. Please advise!
  18. So, let me preface this post by saying that I am pretty new to SCCM. I'm in the process of setting up the RTM in production but am trying to get the basics figured out. I'm having diffuculty getting my applications to deploy to my collections. When viewing the Deployments tab (or Deployment Status) my application says it has 0.0% Compliance (see attachement). Forgive my ignorance, but what else must I do so-as to ensure my applications deploy to collectins. Thanks for any help you can provide!
  19. BRILLIANT!!! Thanks, Ciao! I posted a visual tutorial on my blog, aDummyzGuide.com
  20. It would appear that with enough persistence, I can answer all of my own questions. After some time away from the system I again approached the problem, this time with a determination to solve it. After a lot of hair-pulling I discovered that SCCM 2012 accomplishes the hierarchy not in the device collections root but rather as sub-folders within the Device Collections Node.
  21. So, I've been testing out SCCM 2012 beta 2 and have run into what appears to be a few "bugs". I created an MSI application and and after some trial and error successfully deployed it to a collection in my environment. However, I neglected to document my progress and now wish to start over, first by removing the MSI application. I cannot find a sub-menu that will allow me to remove said application from the applications list. I don't need/want this package anymore but the best I can do is "retire" it right now. Any ideas?
  22. So, after creating all my collections in SCCM 2012 beta 2 I would like to establish a hierarchy tree (ie. sub-collections within collections). Currently all collections are alphabetized and they are easily searchable BUT I would like to see (if at all possible) a visual hierarchy. Is such a thing possible in SCCM 2012? I know it was an option in 2007. Any help or insight would be appreciated.
  23. I discovered this morning that I had neglected to enable AD System Group Discovery. Once I set this up my collections started working like a charm! I will soon be posting visual tutorials for SCCM Beta 2 on my blog.
  24. There are of course visual differences that are very apparent between 2007 and 2012. To the best of my knowledge, the only place to perform the procedure is in the device collection node. The collections have been limited, yes. Nothing I've read indicates there is any change in the setup of collections between 2007 and 2012. For some reason however the created collections aren't populating.
  25. I've been looking for a while now for good walk through for creating collections in SCCM 2012 Beta 2, but can't find much of anything. I didn't notice any threads on this particular issue so I thought I'd start one. I'm looking at creating collections based on organizational units as described here. Any help I could get would be much appreciated!
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