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Everything posted by DeployGoon

  1. OK - More info here: We removed the <OLDDOMAIN>\<USER2> profile from the XP machine in OLDDOMAIN. (The /UE:<OLDDOMAIN>\<USER2> seems to be disregarded, because it sure didn't exclude anything) The entire TS ran and successfully restored the user state. Logged on as the local admin A profile was created for <NEWDOMAIN>\<USER1> and <NEWDOMAIN>\<USER1> was in the local admins group So far, so good ...... BUT: Logged on to the computer as <NEWDOMAIN>\<USER1> None of his data was there Now there are two profiles named <NEWDOMAIN>\<USER1> in Computer Properties\Advanced Properties\User Profiles\Settings In the Users folder, there is a USER1 folder and a USER1.NEWDOMAIN folder The data is in the USER1 folder, but the logon is using the USER1.NEWDOMAIN folder QUESTIONS: Should the /MD:<OLDDOMAIN>:<NEWDOMAIN> switch in the loadstate command have allowed this to work properly? Is this supposed to work? Thanks - DG
  2. Hi, We're using offline USMT to capture user state from a Windows XP machine in <OLDDOMAIN>, apply Windows 7 joined to <NEWDOMAIN> and restore the capture user profiles. Here's the SMSTS.log entries as we fail: •Set command line: "C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\HQ100024\x86\loadstate.exe" "C:\USMToffline" /c /v:5 /l:"C:\Windows\system32\CCM\Logs\SMSTSLog\loadstate.log" /progress:"C:\Windows\system32\CCM\Logs\SMSTSLog\loadstateprogress.log" /i:"C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\HQ100024\x86\migapp.xml" /i:"C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\HQ100024\x86\miguser.xml" /i:"C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\HQ100024\x86\migdocs.xml" /i:"C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\HQ100024\x86\wallpaper.xml" /hardlink /nocompress /ue:*\<USER2> /md:<OLDDOMAIN>:<NEWDOMAIN> OSDUSMT 4/28/2011 11:47:39 AM 2972 (0x0B9C) •Securing store .. OSDUSMT 4/28/2011 11:47:39 AM 2972 (0x0B9C) •Connection request for "C:\USMToffline" OSDUSMT 4/28/2011 11:47:49 AM 2972 (0x0B9C) •Path is not a UNC Path. Trying it as a local path. OSDUSMT 4/28/2011 11:47:49 AM 2972 (0x0B9C) •Succeeded loading resource DLL 'C:\Windows\system32\CCM\1033\TSRES.DLL' OSDUSMT 4/28/2011 11:47:49 AM 2972 (0x0B9C) •Executing command line: "C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\HQ100024\x86\loadstate.exe" "C:\USMToffline" /c /v:5 /l:"C:\Windows\system32\CCM\Logs\SMSTSLog\loadstate.log" /progress:"C:\Windows\system32\CCM\Logs\SMSTSLog\loadstateprogress.log" /i:"C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\HQ100024\x86\migapp.xml" /i:"C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\HQ100024\x86\miguser.xml" /i:"C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\HQ100024\x86\migdocs.xml" /i:"C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\HQ100024\x86\wallpaper.xml" /hardlink /nocompress /ue:*\<USER2> /md:<OLDDOMAIN>:<NEWDOMAIN> OSDUSMT 4/28/2011 11:47:49 AM 2972 (0x0B9C) •Process completed with exit code 71 OSDUSMT 4/28/2011 11:47:59 AM 2972 (0x0B9C) •USMT completed with exit code 71 OSDUSMT 4/28/2011 11:47:59 AM 2972 (0x0B9C) •uExitCode == 0, HRESULT=80070047 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\client\osdeployment\osdusmt\main.cpp,384) OSDUSMT 4/28/2011 11:47:59 AM 2972 (0x0B9C) •USMT returned exit code (0x00000047). Look USMT log file loadstate.log for detail error message. OSDUSMT 4/28/2011 11:47:59 AM 2972 (0x0B9C) Here are the loadstate.log entries: •2011-04-28 11:47:58, Info [0x000000] User name resolved <USER1> => <NEWDOMAIN>\<USER1> •2011-04-28 11:47:58, Info [0x000000] User name resolved <USER2> => <OLDDOMAIN>\<USER2> •2011-04-28 11:47:58, Info [0x000000] User <NEWDOMAIN>\<USER1> maps to S-1-5-21-1078461990-1474823220-569397357-3233 •2011-04-28 11:47:58, Info [0x000000] User <OLDDOMAIN>\<USER2> maps to <NEWDOMAIN>\<USER2> •2011-04-28 11:47:58, Info [0x000000] User <COMPUTERNAME>\Administrator maps to JPARKE-DV6PXG1\Administrator •2011-04-28 11:47:58, Info [0x000000] Adding domain account <NEWDOMAIN>\<USER1> (S-1-5-21-1078461990-1474823220-569397357-3233) •2011-04-28 11:47:58, Info [0x0803b2] Adding user S-1-5-21-1078461990-1474823220-569397357-3233, <NEWDOMAIN>\<USER1> •2011-04-28 11:47:58, Info [0x0803b3] User S-1-5-21-1078461990-1474823220-569397357-3233, <NEWDOMAIN>\<USER1> added successfully •2011-04-28 11:47:58, Info [0x000000] Adding domain account <NEWDOMAIN>\<USER2> •2011-04-28 11:47:58, Info [0x0803b2] Adding user <NEWDOMAIN>\<USER2> •2011-04-28 11:47:58, Info [0x000000] Failed.[gle=0x00000006] •2011-04-28 11:47:58, Info [0x000000] A Windows Win32 API error occurred Windows error 1332 description: No mapping between account names and security IDs was done.[gle=0x00000006] •2011-04-28 11:47:58, Info [0x000000] Windows Error 1332 description: No mapping between account names and security IDs was done. •2011-04-28 11:47:58, Info [0x000000] Entering MigCloseCurrentStore method •2011-04-28 11:47:58, Info [0x0801dc] Closing catalog file •2011-04-28 11:47:58, Info [0x0801dd] Deleting catalog file at C:\Windows\Temp\tmp9A2C.tmp\Temp\tmpBAC7.tmp •2011-04-28 11:47:58, Error [0x0802f5] CMediaManager::Close: m_pSelectedTransport->Close(1) failed with Exception Win32Exception: Device was open with readonly access.: Access is denied. [0x00000005] void __thiscall Mig::CMediaManager::CloseTransport(int) void __thiscall Mig::CUNCTransport::Close(int).[gle=0x00000006] •2011-04-28 11:47:58, Error [0x000000] MigCloseCurrentStore caught exception: Win32Exception: Device was open with readonly access.: Access is denied. [0x00000005] void __thiscall Mig::CMediaManager::CloseTransport(int) void __thiscall Mig::CUNCTransport::Close(int)[gle=0x00000006] There is no account that equals <NEWDOMAIN>\<USER2> and in fact, <OLDDOMAIN>\<USER2> account was specifically excluded using "/ue:*\<USER2>" in both the scanstate and loadstate command lines. What's going on here? Thanks - BH
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