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Found 3 results

  1. Hello, I'm working on deploying a new master image, however I am running into an issue and I'm not sure of my way around it. I have a feeling what I am trying to do is either/both outside-the-box and/or just wrong. My Goal To bring deployment time down from 2-3 hours to 30-45 minutes. The master image will contain: Specific applications all users will receive Updates up to the quarter (latest build) of the mater image (intend to rebuild the master image every quarter, rolling any new updates and applications required into it When using the mater image in a new task sequence I intend to run additional scripts to further modify the image on a user-to-user, group-to-group basis (security permissions, drive letter reassignment, etc.). My Problem I am able to create my mater image with CCM Client installed, as many guides suggest; however when I add this master image, containing the CCM Client, to a new task sequence I cannot then run further actions on the image. Any attempt to boot into the applied OS without running the "Setup Windows and ConfigMgr" step results in a failed task sequence. I do not want to run the step again as it will attempt an uninstall, then re-install, of the already installed CCM Client on the master image. I have had issues in the past where either the uninstall, or re-install, of CCM Client in these situations have caused the task sequence deployments to crash 50% or more of the time. My Question Is there a way to perform more actions in a task sequence, after applying a master image that already has CCM Client installed, without re-installing CCM? Can I run a step the will perform all the steps in preparing the environment to continue installations without actually performing the CCM setup? I would appreciate any and all advice/pointers I receive in this matter. Thank you.
  2. Hello! I'm completely bamboozled here.....I've setup a Task sequence to deploy an existing image package. The task sequence was working wonderfully then all of a sudden started hanging (or freezing) on the install applications task. The applications I have in there have worked before in this method but all of a sudden now I can't get any applications to install, just gets to that step and stops (does not restart or finish or display an error). Any and all tips and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Hello! I have a most bizarre issue. I'm trying to deploy VMWare View client with switches to include connection server. The 32bit version works like a charm, however the 64bit does not and they have the exact same switches with the install file being the only difference. Any and all tips and input are greatly appreciated. 32bit install script: VMware-viewclient-5.2.1-937772.exe /s /v"/q DESKTOP_SHORTCUT=1 VDM_SERVER=servername INSTALLDIR="C:\Program FIles\VMWare\VMWare View\Client" ADDLOCAL=Core,TSSO,USB REBOOT=ReallySuppress" 64bit install script: VMware-viewclient-x86_64-5.2.1-937772.exe /s /v"/q DESKTOP_SHORTCUT=1 VDM_SERVER=desktop.tranow.com INSTALLDIR="C:\Program FIles\VMWare\VMWare View\Client" ADDLOCAL=Core,TSSO,USB REBOOT=ReallySuppress" The 64bit version fails almost instantly after downloading content and attempting to install with the error code "The software change returned error code 0x643(1603)." Again any and all tips and input are greatly appreciated
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