Hey guys,
Just wanted to hear your thoughts on deploying applications during an OS deployment, how do you guys do it?
Do you capture the referance image with applications in it, and then deploy it? Or do you deploy applications on top of a basic image like i do? Or do you do all applications as normal deployments after the OSD is done?
Personally, I've always(sccm 2007 + 2012, win 7 and up) had my OS .wim file clean, so just windows in there, no applications in it at all, and use the add application step to add software, but I see alot of people add the applications to the images, is there any specific reason for that?
From what I can see, it's easyer to maintain the system when having them separated, so when there is a new version of something, I just update the task sequence, instead of creating the referance image again or change the one you have.
Do you save that much time deploying applications into the image first or is it just an old habbit?
Would like to hear all your views on this one, might be more out there that wonder what is "best", what ways people do it, and why use different ways