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Found 4 results

  1. Hi, I'm new here and also to SCCM. My objective is to provide a clean standardized source of software product information that can be loaded into a Configuration Management Database (CMDB). More specifically I'm looking to collect, and automatically maintain the following information: For each licensed software item, i.e. a product / version / edition that may be purchased e.g. Microsoft Visio 2013 Standard, I need a Standardized Publisher Name, Standardized Product Name and Standardized Version. The latest revision - this might include a build / patch number and more specific version e.g. 32 vs 64 bit. I'm envisaging that the standardized product and version I'm referring to above might have several updates and minor revisions over its life. The devices where this application has run, including the last run date, and the username of the person using it. I intended to use the SQL views provided in SCCM to build a view or views containing the information required which will then be presented to the CMDB tool. The environment where I'm working has SCCM 2012 R2 SP1 running, with the client deployed to servers and workstations. Most applications at this site are installed through add/remove programs so appear in the hardware / asset intelligence views returned by SCCM. The following inventory classes are turned on: SMS_InstalledSoftware, SMS_SystemConsoleUsage, SMS_SystemConsoleUser, SMS_AutoStartSotware, Win32_USBDevice, SMS_InstalledExecutable. A number of applications use their own installers and are installed outside of the Program Files and (x86) folder structure, so these are not seen by the hardware inventory functionality as far as I'm aware. From the Technet I found the best information so far in the views: v_GS_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE_CATEGORIZED, v_LU_SoftwareList_Editable from the hardware inventory side, and on the software side from v_SoftwareProduct and v_GS_SoftwareProduct. The benefit of the two former views, is that SCCM is doing some name normalization and categorization. Anyone who has had a look at this problem will realize there are challenges in standardization of publisher, product and version information even at a high level. Furthermore, from a high or medium level perspective, there's also the challenge of aggregating the many minor variants / versions / patches of software back to their parent software packages that might be of interest in a CMDB as a "licensable product". The queries I have are: I am not sure that SCCM is configured exactly as it should be to return the data required? I have tried to match data between the hardware inventory side of the product and the software inventory side. There does not appear to be a common key and there does not appear to be sufficient standardization in publisher / product / version information to join the data. Am I missing something or is there any best practice here? In other forum posts I've read, there have been comments to the effect that software inventory is of little value. However if that is the case, how is it possible to include software products, that are installed outside of the Windows add / remove programs functionality? Assuming that SCCM is configured correctly to ensure the appropriate data is being collected, and that the Out Of The Box standardization and classification is working optimally, what additional manual configuration is required to ensure standardized publisher / product / version information is being collected / generated? I'm thinking of one smaller publisher, probably unknown to SCCM's classification database, where I've seen three or four variations in their name> Thanks very much in advance.
  2. Greetings! Recently I was tasked with working on our MS True-up. I have imported our information from the MVLS and I am even able to pull the report. My problem is, the report is not very clear. I am supposed to give totals but here is the columns of information that I have to select from: Family Name | Version | Effective Licenses | Unresolved Licenses | Inventory Count | Initial Diff | Diff. after applying Downgrade Right I need to provide the amount of MS Office Pro Plus installed. Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated JL
  3. Hi, I've a query related to tagging inventoried software discovered by Configuration Manager 2012 (with SP1) against custom labels created. Problem is, in my environment, I have close to 19,000 software discovered and over 1800 custom labels. And so tagging the software individually through the console is time consuming. Could somebody point me any work around to complete the custom label mapping either using WMI scripting or SQL updates? Any help appreciated.
  4. Hi guys, I have this query: select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name,SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.ResourceId not in (select SMS_R_System.ResourceId from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS on SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.ResourceID = SMS_R_System.ResourceId where SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.DisplayName LIKE "%Avamar%") and SMS_R_System.Client = 1 and SMS_R_SYSTEM.OperatingSystemNameAndVersion like 'Microsoft Windows NT%Server%' In short, it should report back with servers that don't have Avamar installed (not in ARP). The issue is, even though it has filtered many servers that do, I hasn't for all of them. I have RDPed to one of the servers that comes up and in ARP there is an entry 'EMC Avamar for Windows x64 Editions' in the ARP Name field. I entered the server name into the report 'Software registered in Add Remove Programs on a specific computer', and the Display Name shows 'EMC Avamar for Windows x64 Editions'. I also have another collection that checks for servers without Sophos by copying and pasting the query, just changing LIKE "%Avamar%" the LIKE "%Sophos%". The same server doesn't show in the collection as the query has detected Sophos is installed. I can confirm Avamar and Sophos are both installed on this particular server. Thanks, SCCMNoobie.
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