Hello, this is my first post and I am glad to join windows-noob forum. I am a noob and new to SCCM and I hope I will find some help here.
I am having troubles deploying a simple batch script that will remove some installations.
Content of the script:
@echo off
::Silent remove openedge 10.1B
"C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{874D5CE4-F913-4D5B-A6D4-CC129785B5C8}\setup.exe" /s /f1\\srvsccm01\sources$\Uninstall\proalpha5.1\add.iss /Z /Q
::Silent remove proalpha 5.1
MsiExec.exe /X{09FD2FA3-330F-4E8A-BF33-078C8B5D1032} /qn
::Silent remove proalpha Analyzer 7.0
MsiExec.exe /X{D8BF41E2-D1C0-4A85-9DE9-D16675FA904C} /qn
If I copy the bat file to a client and run it locally it will work 100%.
This is what I did on my SCCM.
- I have copied the bat file to the sccm server: \\srvsccm01\sources$\proALPHA5.2\pa-client-silent.bat
- Created a new package with the source files mentioned above
- In command line window I just selected my bat file from the above location.
- configured to run it with UNC name
Then I deployed it to my test machine with the option: Download content from distribution point and run locally.
However it will not work. SCCM will tell me that the deployment was succesful and 100% compliance but the script is not running.
I can easily deploy MSI applications and it will work.
I think my issue here is working with UNC paths in bath file.
Can someone help me?