CM2012 SP1.
Trying to generate reports of OSD task sequence usage, it appears that the deployment names are static, and don't actually reflect the current name of the TS. E.g. if I create and deploy a TS named "TEST - Win7 64-bit" and then after testing is done, change the name to "Windows 7 64-bit, Off2013, HR apps," the reports don't see this name change. So running the "History of a TS deployment on a computer" or "Deployment status of all task sequence deployments" and the reports linked from it, they all reference the old names of the task sequences, instead of the current one.
As far as I can tell, the name that the reports show is the name that the task sequence had when it was initially deployed. E.g. if I create a new TS, change the name a few times, deploy it, and change the name again, the reports have whatever name was current when I created the deployment, not the ones it had before then, or what it was changed to after it was deployed.
Aside from creating a new deployment when the TS name is changed (incidentally, deleting the old deployment removes all results from reporting) , does anyone know of a way to cause the system to show the current name assigned to the TS, or am I stuck having to cross-check Deployment IDs?