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Found 4 results

  1. Hi All, I am quite new to SCCM, but I'm slowing getting to grips with it. I am just wondering if there is way to add a PC to a collection and it then rebuild automatically. So far i have created a collection and deployed a TS to it as required. But i still have to PXE boot the PC for it to rebuild. IS there a way where it will PXE boot itself? For example if i open software store and tell it to re install the OS, it knows to PXE and start up in PE. Thanks, Craig.
  2. Hi, I have about 500 windows 7 clients in AD and did the following from the beginning: 1. Installed and configured the SCCM 2012 SP1. 2. Discovered users and systems using discovery methods. 3. Configured client push installation. Now, my problems: After completing step 3, some clients have "Yes" under "Client" column in device collection and some of them have "No" under that column while SCCM Client software is installed and running on them without any problem and there is no firewall running between clients and the server. what can I do for this? deleted one of these clients from SCCM Console and can not return it back to the server with "AD System Discovery". Do you have any suggestion? The standard method of adding a system to SCCM is using discovery methods, right? Or if there are any other ways, please let me know. Thank you,
  3. hello all, i´m new here and i´m new relativity new to SCCM. We have a huge active directory with many OU´s. At the moment, i try to create some device collection for windows updates based on OU. We have several locations with server-ou´s: Land\City\Server\ImportantServer Land\City\Server\MemberServer for about 100 locations. now i plan to deploy windows-updates distinguished by ImportantServer and MemberServer. I know, that I can make device collections based on OU in Membership Rules, but in the Query Statement, I have to give the complete path to the OU: select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name,SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.SystemOUName = "PATH OF THE OU" Now my question: is it possible to query all OU´s named "ImportantServer" and "MemberServer" in the complete active directory independent from the Land, City etc? I hope my question is understandable Thanks everybody for your help! Best regards Mathias
  4. Hello everyone, I've been digging through posts both here and over at the technet site...what I'm trying to come up with is a collection for devices which have a primary user set for them. I've tried a number of different queries from various posts, but each time they don't return any results. I'll openly admit that I'm pretty worthless when it comes to query building, but I can at least say that the queries I was trying out did not have any errors in them. The other thing that I'm seeing is that in some circumstances, Service Manager was installed in the environment as well. We presently don't have that setup here...is that a requirement for some of these queries? I'm hoping not... I honestly hope that there's someone out there who actually has something like this in place that can help me get it sqared away. Thanks!
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