Hi Guys,
Was wondering if you could help. I am trying to image our new laptops Lenovo X1 Carbon 3rd Gen. Our image works fine on other models except for this X1 Carbon model (20BS).
The task sequence failed with the error code (0x80070002). From this point the computer rebooted and got me into windows. From what I can see, windows has been installed with no applications or driver.
When I drill into the SMSLog I can see the following
<![LOG[install Software failed, hr=0x80070002]LOG]
<![LOG[Failed to resolve the source for SMS PKGID=AKL00085,
<![LOG[Error. Received 0x80072ee7 from WinHttpSendRequest
<![LOG[The user tries to release a source directory C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\AKL00085 that is either already released or we have not connected to it
<![LOG[Failed to run the action: Install Tool. The system cannot find the file specified. (Error: 80070002)
![LOG[Connecting to "\\servername.local\SMSPKGE$\AKL00085"]LOG]!\
<![LOG[Failed to access the share \\servername.local\SMSPKGE$\AKL00085\ with network access account]LOG]
Can you please point me into the right direction? Much appreciated.