Good morning to all, I'm a new users of this forum i would ask to you if someone had this problem in a past.... I use at moment System Center R2 with all necessity at moment is that: I tried to use the part of APP-V.....i have created a package with APP-V Sequencer for one of my Software,
copied all Folders into my shared folder (store folder) and after i have created a package directly importing from file and deployed to my DP the software. In a precedent moment i have installed into my virtual machine the APP v CLIENT, and deployed the package to my users Group.
The software result correctly present in virtual pc test......but i checked in my regkey and the streeming result ok in HTTP://(my server).... SEE THE ATTACHED FILE.
My question is.....exist one method to created a package with my SCCM for pointer directly my shared folders for this software?
I treied to modify manually the Key wit a route correct for a shared folders and the software continue to operate.
Best Regards