A few additional things I've observed so far (RC 1)...
Rows containing a computername not already known to SCCM will fail to import; only rows containing devices already listed in the SCCM console will succeed to import (regardless of whether the SCCM client is known to be installed on that device or not).
Whilst rows containing users not already known to SCCM will appear to import successfully, the console will only list previously known users to devices.
Importing UDA details will not replace affinities already known to SCCM. E.g. importing UDA data for one user to one device when that user already has affinity with another device will result in that user having two primary devices. It is therefore important that this tool be used with care as there is no similar method (in the console) to undo UDA (en mass) once set.
It is valid to have a user or device listed a number of times throughout the import file. This will result in users being assigned to multiple devices or vice-versa.
Rows containing data of an affinity that is already known about will fail to import; where a file contains duplicated rows at least all but one of these rows will fail to import.