Strange issue on My SCCM R3 installation
I have an Ad that I just created and targeted a collection that contains 8926 computers
The report for the ad shows that the ad was accepted by 8697 computers and got a no status from 228 computers (8697+228=8925)
The report also shows the status of the targeted Resources as follows
accepted no further status - 8
failed - 234
retrying - 3
running - 6
Succeeded - 8120
totatl (234+8+6+3+8120=8371
so where are the missing computers from the accepted ad?
based on the above i should have status on 8925 computers but i only total up to 8371
I am not sure where the missing boxes went to.
The same issue occurs on other Ads too, the percentages vary but I am unable to account for all the computers that accepted the ad
Any ideas?