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Found 4 results

  1. Hi, I'm trying to deploy Windows 8.1 x64, but my task sequence fails with Error 80070032 – Failed to make volume bootable or The request is not supported. Background: I have two disks in my machine, im trying to deploy to my MSATA disk. I consider my MSATA disk as primary disk since it's faster than the sata and a bit smaller. The issue is that my Lenovo L430 is recognizing MSATA interface as DISK 1. So using the wizard in SCCM 2012 R2 to create an task sequence called "Install an existing image pack.", i setup an brand new task sequence. In the Format and Partition step i choose Disk Number 1. I save the task sequence and preform the necessary steps in order to make it available through PXE boot. Disks according to diskpart and bios - Disk 0 - SATA Disk 500gb - Disk 1 - MSATA Disk 120gb When I run the task sequence it fails with the error message given below. Error: System partition not set Volume C:\ is not on the boot disk and can not be made bootable. Failed to make volume C:\ bootable. Please ensure that you have set an active partition on the boot disk before installing the operating system. The request is not supported. (Error: 80070032; Source: Windows). The operating system reported error 2147942450: The request is not supported. If i remove my SATA disk and change in task sequence to Disk Number 1 it works fine. However i do not wish have to remove the disk since this is intended to be Zero Touch. I've tried to search the forums as well as google without any further luck. Does anyone have a clue how to resolve this issue?
  2. We're installing a new SCCM 2012 instance in our environment, and learned that we cannot get Endpoint Protection definition files to download if the workstation has a version of the Windows Update Agent that is too old. We're trying to use a query based rule to create a collection of workstations that don't have the latest version of the WUA so that we can rectify those machines before we install SCEP and the definitions get out of date. So, we've created our "Managed Clients" collection and have a second collection that uses that as a parent collection along with the following query: select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID, SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType, SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name, SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier, SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup, SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_WINDOWSUPDATEAGENTVERSION on SMS_G_System_WINDOWSUPDATEAGENTVERSION.ResourceId = SMS_R_System.ResourceId where SMS_G_System_WINDOWSUPDATEAGENTVERSION.Version like "%7.4.7600.256%" to identify those that are up to date, and a 'NOT LIKE' version to identify those that are out of date. However, neither device collection has any workstations. And when we query the SQL database at the backend of our site, it doesn't appear as though any workstations are reporting this data, even though both Hardware & Software inventories are turned on in the default client policy (and not overridden anywhere else). Any thoughts on why the WUA Version isn't being reported, or another way to end-around this issue and prevent our SCEP definition files from getting out of date before we know we have a problem?
  3. Here is the error in my smsts.log (attached) <![LOG[Error. Received 0x80072ee7 from WinHttpSendRequest.]LOG]!><time="17:01:44.656+300" date="10-09-2012" component="InstallApplication" context="" type="1" thread="3240" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:8689"> <![LOG[unknown host (gethostbyname failed)]LOG]!><time="17:01:44.656+300" date="10-09-2012" component="InstallApplication" context="" type="3" thread="3240" file="libsmsmessaging.cpp:692"> When PE first boots up and starts installing the OS I have an IP address. It then reboots, and the apply network settings task runs outside of PE, it reboots again, and goes back into PE for the Apply Drivers tasks. I hit f8 on this PE window and I have NO ip address or anything. Ipconfig shows it as it would without any drivers. There is this error previous to the one above. But I'm not sure if its related. <![LOG[Error getting system isolation info. Code 8027000C]LOG]!><time="17:00:14.234+300" date="10-09-2012" component="TSManager" context="" type="3" thread="2132" file="remediate.cpp:632"> <![LOG[ComputeComplianceAndRemediate(&QState), HRESULT=8027000c (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\tasksequence\napcontrol\tsnapcontrol.cpp,48)]LOG]!><time="17:00:14.234+300" date="10-09-2012" component="TSManager" context="" type="0" thread="2132" file="tsnapcontrol.cpp:48"> <![LOG[Remediation failed. Code 8027000C]LOG]!><time="17:00:14.234+300" date="10-09-2012" component="TSManager" context="" type="3" thread="2132" file="tsnapcontrol.cpp:48"> <![LOG[hr = m_oNapCtrl.Remediate(QState), HRESULT=8027000c (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmanager\tsmanager.cpp,1364)]LOG]!><time="17:00:14.234+300" date="10-09-2012" component="TSManager" context="" type="0" thread="2132" file="tsmanager.cpp:1364"> <![LOG[Remediation failed with error code 8027000C]LOG]!><time="17:00:14.234+300" date="10-09-2012" component="TSManager" context="" type="3" thread="2132" file="tsmanager.cpp:1364"> Thanks for the help! smsts-20121010-103553.log
  4. I'm following the guide located here: http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4468-using-sccm-2012-rc-in-a-lab-part-7-build-and-capture-windows-7-x64/ to create a build & capture task sequence and I've gotten all the way to the point where I PXE boot my virtual machine (using VMware Workstation 8.x) and the TS continually fails. I'm not able to glean much from the smsts.log file. It always fails at the step "applying operating system." I've attached my SMSTS.log file and a screen shot of the virtual machine as it sits at the failure notification. Any insight the community could provide, I would be grateful for! Thanks in advance! -Ben SMSTS.log
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