I've been tasked with migrating a customer off of server 2008 R2 to Server 2012 R2. All FSMO roles have been transferred to the newly created Server 2012 R2 DC's and replication is taking place. Tomorrow, I would like to migrate dns off of the 2008 boxes. The scopes have replicated to the new dns servers, but how to I make sure the clients get pointed to the 2012 dns servers once I take the 2008 servers offline? I do have dns integrated into AD.
I'm stuck at the "ensuring primary dns server" becomes my 2012 DC.
Would the below powershell command set this across the domain?
Set-dnsclientserveraddress –interfaceindex 15 –serveraddress (“xx.xx.xx.xx”,”xx.xx.xx.xx”)
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank to everyone!