He Gays
SCCM 2012 -Master Level 500-Learn with workflows.
Workflow-Create Software Package in SCCM 2012 with powershell manually .
Here is my workflow .I wont create Install and Unistall Software Package for Microsoft Office 2013 in SCCM 2012.
Below are the steps we will follow
1.Create Packages Console Folder for (PKG-Install Microsoft Office 2013 and PKG Unistall Microsoft Office 2013)
2.Create Packages (PKG-Install Microsoft Office 2013 and PKG-Unistall Microsoft Office 2013 in PKG Unistall Microsoft Office 2013 - console folder )
3.Create Packages Programs (PRG Install Office 2013 X64 and PRG Install Office 2013 X86) and PRG Unistall Office 2013 X86_X64
4.Set Package and Programs parameters(like Microsoft ,2013,English and programs parameters like hidden from user, disk space requirements for Package ,)
5. Move created package and programs to right console folders.
6.Distribution of Software package to Distributio Point or DP Groups.
Here is screen dump what i wont acomplish.
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