I am trying to deploy CMTrace as part of the TS (SCCM 2012 SP1, no MDT integration) and also set it as default log viewer.
This is my powershell script:
$RelativePath = (split-path $SCRIPT:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -parent)+"\" Copy-Item -Path $RelativePath"CMTrace.exe" -Destination "c:\temp\" -Force xcopy "c:\temp\CMtrace.exe" "c:\windows\System32" /y xcopy "c:\temp\CMtrace.exe" "c:\windows\SYSWOW64" /y $CMtraceKey = "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Trace32" Set-ItemProperty -Path $CMtraceKey -Name "Register File Types" -Value 00000000 $Parameters = "assoc .log=logfile" cmd.exe /c $Parameters
The xcopy commands do not work for some reason, and smsts log doesn't show me anything.
Can somebody advise on why the copy commands do not work and how can I apply the HKCU key properly ?