I've just spent ages working through various methods for deploying Open Office 3.3 silently using SCCM 2007. I finally have a working solution so I thought I should share it. You need the Open Office 3.3 installer from OO's website and the DisableFirstStartWizard.oxt file, also available on their site. This particular install routine disables the first run wizard (leaves the user name fields blank), disables any on-line checking for updates and leaves the default file save as type as open document format.
Extract the set-up file into an install folder and copy the oxt file into the same place. The batch file is;
start /wait msiexec /qb /norestart /i openofficeorg33.msi SELECT_WORD=0 SELECT_EXCEL=0 SELECT_POWERPOINT=0 ADDLOCAL=ALL REMOVE=gm_Oooimprovement,gm_o_Quickstart,gm_o_Testtool,gm_o_Xsltfiltersamples,gm_o_Javafilter,gm_o_jf_Palm,gm_o_jf_Palm_Aportisdoc,gm_o_jf_Pocketpc,gm_o_jf_Pocketpc_Pocket_Word,gm_o_jf_Pocketpc_Pocket_Excel,gm_o_Activexcontrol,gm_o_Binfilter,gm_o_Onlineupdate,gm_r_Extension_Dictionary_Fr,gm_r_Extension_Dictionary_Es
copy "DisableFirstStartWzd_ooo33.oxt" "%ProgramFiles%\OpenOffice.org 3\program\" /Y
cd "%ProgramFiles%\OpenOffice.org 3\program"
unopkg add --shared DisableFirstStartWzd_ooo33.oxt
Note I've added a blank line in between the lines of code as the first line is a long one.