I created a collection based on OU and the collection showed up correctly in SCCM. Now when I install the SCCM client on the PC that is a member of that OU (and is part of the collection) the PC is removed from the collection and is placed in the All desktop and server clients collection.
Why is that happening? shouldn't the PC still belong in the collection that is based off the OU? I did the update membership and refreshed the collection but the PC still doesn't want to be part of the collection anymore.
*I recreated the collection but now when selecting the OU it seems to have created a new structure (which is odd to me). I tried the *new* structure name and sure enough there is my missing computer...
"a,b computers" OU
new structure as seen from SCCM
a\ computers
** I ended up going into the system discovery and instead of discovering the computers from the root I selected the OUs that had computers and did a full system discovery. now the collections are pulling the information correctly.