I need to deploy Oracle database client 11 g to some of our already installed client devices and thou OSD deployment. I did some research how other did it but couldn't find a way which matched out company.
I read that is should work to install it as a task sequence with only one command, but I was not able to make it work. So I made a good old fashion batch-file.
@echo offnet use /delete N:
net use N: "\\Server\windows\Oracle\Oracle 11gR2\x86\client" /USER:domain\cm_jd xxxxxx
REM Set TMP=C:\TEMP\Oracle
setup.exe -silent -nowelcome -responseFile "N:/response/NetListner.rsp"
echo Installing Oracle 11g with NetListner please wait..
Timeout /t 60 /NOBREAK > NUL
echo Copy tnsnames\tnsnames.ora to C:\Oracle\11.2.0\NETWORK\ADMIN\
Timeout /t 5 /NOBREAK > NUL
copy tnsnames\tnsnames.ora C:\Oracle\11.2.0\NETWORK\ADMIN
net use /delete N: /y
echo Installation completed..
Timeout /t 5 /NOBREAK > NUL
It works but there must be a better way?
Best regards,
Brian Pedersen