Hi All,
I'm very grateful to Niall Brady for providing excellent assistance on how we can install and manage servers in SCCM that are Workgroup machines:
However, I'm now trying to get SCCM to talk to servers that are in a separate domain to our SCCM infrastructure.
In this instance, the separate domain has a Stub Zone in DNS, so as long as I provide a FQDN, I can resolve the SCCM servers in our domain.
I've added the IP subnet of the server in question into Boundaries and associated it with a Boundary Group.
I've added recommended entries into LMHOSTS (See the above URL) to help the server identify which SCCM server is the MP and SLP.
I've requested and have installed a Security Certificate from our regular domain's CA authority.
There is no firewall between the server in other domain and our regular domain.
The SCCM client installs, but never seems to recognize the certificate installed on it. I've tried install CCMSetup.exe both WITH and WITHOUT specifying a FSP, but doesn't seem to make a difference.
If anyone has any other suggestions that might help, will much appreciate it.