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can sccm perform two pc shutdown events daily for powersaving?

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Hi, i have a requirement to shut down pc's twice a day and wondered if anyone knew a simple way to acheive this using sccm? i inherited a system that currently shuts down pc's once a day at the start of a maintenance window at 10pm using the shutdown.exe that comes with windows 7. now i've been asked to shut down win7 pcs...


1. at 5pm only if nobody is logged on and...

2. try again at 10pm whether someone is logged on or not.


im looking at a third party tool but before i buy anything i wondered if anyone knew an easier way? thanks.

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I would use the builtin powermanagement settings instead and have the computers go to sleep instead of turning them off, any open document is still there and the computer starts really fast.

the power consumptions is really low as well.


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hi and thanks for the reply. we have powersaving set up for the network which works great but the boss wants to save as much money as possible and switch off all computers at all all sites instead of making them sleep. users are actually advised to switch off at the wall which isn't ideal for me if i want to wake them up either but i have no choice.

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