Created CTM job {F0117908-9071-4E37-A119-0605086F0DFB} for user S-1-5-21-63320618-559944057-1593591996-21951 ContentTransferManager 19/06/2009 9:15:40 4476 (0x117C)
Created and Sent Location Request '{DA2E7D15-46AD-4335-B178-09995D230A3D}' for package CRO00093 ContentTransferManager 19/06/2009 9:15:40 7944 (0x1F08)
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I am testing some settings with software deployments and I ran into an issue.
The software package works 100%.
This is my setting in advertisement. (not running mandatory)
This is the error i get. Download starts and it fails at 100% with the following error.
So run program from distribution point = program will install
And download content from distribution point and run locally= error
Anyone has an idea?
log from contenttransfer manager:
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