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Internet Facing Depot - SCCM Client Connectivity Issues

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We have an internet facing distribution point that I am trying to install the sccm client on. I can install the agent on the server without any issues, however it never reports back to the CM12 server that it is installed.


Under the Configuration Manager properties I can click on Site, click Configure Settings, and click Find Site and it locates the correct site.


Our network guy, has confirmed that there are no restrictions in place between the 2 servers.


I've tried looking through log files, but am not spotting anything.


Can you point me towards the correct log files or any other scenarios I may have missed?

Thanks in advance

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From doing further research and testing it appears that the Internet depot is trying to use the internet depot certificate instead of generating a self-signed cert. It sounds like the same issue posted here: http://socialtechnetmicrosoft.downloadvv.com/Forums/systemcenter/en-US/08119f92-fba7-43b1-bdb1-1b4d72963ff7/action


I looked at modifying the client certificate selection criteria, but am not sure what i'm looking at.


Anyone have any advice?

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