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Pre report prompt - 2012


OK, the site is called windows-noob....and I fit right into that category, so apologies in advance.


I am just having trouble getting my head around what I thought should be a relatively simple report.


I'm trying to display a count summary of computer Models and the Manufacturer and would like to be prompted for a collection prior to running the report,

So for example, in the collection "All Windows XP Systems"


Manufacturer Model Count

Dell Inc. Latitude E5520 145



The SQL I'm using for the basic report is:


Manufacturer0, Model0,

Manufacturer0, Model0
Order by Manufacturer0, Model0



But I'm having real trouble getting my head around the collection prompt, the join clauses etc.


Is this something really simple....or am I out of my depth (which is pretty shallow I can tell you !)


Any assistance gratefully & humbly received.


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Cheers Garth,


So would I need two Datasets to do this, or can it be done with 1 only ?


BTW, if it's easier to have the collection name hardcoded into the SQL, I would quite happily go that way at this point.





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Yes.. :-)


You need to 2 datasets if you want to create a drop down menu.

You need only 1 dataset if you want freeform text box. or if you want to hardcode the Collection.


Personally I would go with two, it make the report much clearer looking.

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You can do this using dbo.v_FullCollectionMembership the SQL view and preforming a inner join on ResourceID between both SQL views.



I may be more of a NOOB than the person who posted this question. All day today I have been trying to figure out how to be prompted for a collection. I understand created the extra dataset and adding a parameter to point to that dataset. What I am not understanding is how to tie all this in to the Original Query. My original Query basically looks at "All Systems" and tells me the OS that is installed. I have 42 different collections I would like to be able to select from instead of getting a report of All Systems. Here is my query:


select all SMS_R_SYSTEM.ItemKey,SMS_R_SYSTEM.DiscArchKey,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name0,SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMS_Unique_Identifier0,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Resource_Domain_OR_Workgr0,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client0 from vSMS_R_System AS SMS_R_System INNER JOIN Operating_System_DATA AS SMS_G_System_OPERATING_SYSTEM ON SMS_G_System_OPERATING_SYSTEM.MachineID = SMS_R_System.ItemKey INNER JOIN _RES_COLL_SCS00235 AS SMS_CM_RES_COLL_SCS00235 ON SMS_CM_RES_COLL_SCS00235.MachineID = SMS_R_System.ItemKey where SMS_G_System_OPERATING_SYSTEM.Caption00 = N'Microsoft Windows 7 Professional'


How do I join the other dataset to this to prompt me to choose a collection? I apologize for the dumb question. I have spent all day on google and tried so many different things with no luck. I know this can't be that difficult. Would appreciate any assistance.



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