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Building Collections based on file content?

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is it possible to build a collection based on the content of a cfg/txt file?

i have an program which can be used with different licences.

the basic data of the program are the same. it only differs in one single config file where stands a path to a different file on a server.

Is there a way to analyse the content of a specific line in that file and build collections based on that content?

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$file = $env:LOCALAPPDATA + "Low\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\exception.sites"
$servers = @(
if(Test-Path $file){
    foreach($server in $servers){
        if(!(Select-String $file -pattern $server)){return($false)}

You can do that by creating a compliance rule. Based on the deployment of the rule you can create compliant, non compliant and error collections.


Here is a little sample script to check multiple strings against a local file.

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