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TaskSequence with two Disks

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Hi there!


first of all, thank you for your thousand times help on SCCM Issues!!!! Great Work here!


now my question:


i have one Tasksequence, that installs Windows 7 on Computers with two (2) Disks. One SSD and one regular Disk.


Now i have a problem on computermodels, that have a microcard ssd, and disknumbers are switched. If the SSD Drive is a regular sata disk, its attached as disk 0, the otherone (datadisk) is disk 1.


on systems with microcard ssd, datadisk is now disk 0, and the microcard is disk 1.


so my task seuence is broken. how can i assure that the OS image is alway installed on the SSD as drive C: (bootable)?


regards & thank you,



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Copy the task sequence, and rename it appropriately. In the partition disk step, choose disk 1 instead of disk 0 (the default).

Alternatively, you could copy the partition disk step, and set a query WMI condition on it (perhaps on model), so that it runs only when the requirements meet, and change it to disk 1.


If you have trouble setting this up, please let me know.

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I don't think there's any easy way to identify an SSD via WMI at present. was looking into it last year and came across many posts regarding it.


Have a read of this: http://allthingsconfigmgr.wordpress.com/2013/05/03/improved-ssd-detection-during-task-sequences/


Apart from that, as Kevlar01 mentioned, a seperate TS and running the appropriate one may be another altenrative

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Copy the task sequence, and rename it appropriately. In the partition disk step, choose disk 1 instead of disk 0 (the default).

Alternatively, you could copy the partition disk step, and set a query WMI condition on it (perhaps on model), so that it runs only when the requirements meet, and change it to disk 1.


If you have trouble setting this up, please let me know.


thats the way i already tried this! task sequence is stopped on error: partition is not bootable!

I doublechecked the option "make bootable" in the prepare disk task.


i'll post exact errormessage tomorrow.

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There is no problem handling those two disks. For some reason, i'm not able to set the bootflag to the partition 1 on disk 1



Here is the exact error:




and this is what the task step looks like:



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something new now:


i disabled the regular disk, so i can use the minicard as DISK0. Tasksequence is now ok.


BUT it hangs on "Apply Operating System". in x:\windows\temp\smstslog\smsts.log last entry is


- Verify content hash

- Failed to open SW\MS\SMS\Mobile Client\Software Distribution registry keys. The Client should not get checked for RWH OpLock Type


No more activity in the Tasksequence. System did not crash, as i see new logline on F8.




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Someone else also has the same problem: http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/6082-build-and-capture-osd-failing/


The last post states that it has to do with unsigned drivers. Can you check this?


Nothing to do with drivers!


i did a workaround: just took a screwdriver and removed the regular sata disk from the notebook. so there was only the microcard drive left in the box. with this configration, i was able to deploy my default tasksequence without any problems.


after finishing the TS, i put the drive back in, et voilá, everything is running fine!


i think i can go this way, 'cause we do not have more than 5 notebooks with this configuration.


i think this has something to do with boot order and diskIDs at bioslevel... but i dont want to give any more energy to that.


so long,

best regards,



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