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Client repair resets cache size to standard 5GB

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I have just noticed that the automatic client repair task will reset the cache size to the standard value of 5 GB.

One of our latest deplyoment with a size of 2GB failed on over than 100 Clients because of the cache size, which is set to 20GB on the clients. That got my attention and i checked the client logs, which showed that they had performed a client repair but without a value for SMSCACHESIZE. So this seems like a bug to me.

Can someone confirm the behaviour?


I fixed the problem for the affected clients through a remote powershell script, but that's no long term solution. Applications or Compliance rules are neihter a solution, because the applied WMI property has to be confirmed by a service restart. Otherwise the changes will be lost again.

Maybe a scheduled task would do the trick, but i would rather like to see Microsoft fixing the problem.








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