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Excluding specific updates from installing on specific computers

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We have 2 computers on which Microsoft KB2830477 cannot be installed otherwise it means they can't connect with an affiliated companies Juniper remote access software.


Is there a simple way to stop these two computers reciving this particular update through our SCCM deployments that won't exclude them from the main collection I use to target all our Win 7 and office update delpyments?

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Exclude the update by defining a custom servirity in the properties. Then alter your ADR only to use updates with a custom servirity of 'none'. Finally crate a new Manual aupdate group, which only holds this KB and publish it to a new collection which excludes your 2 machines.

On a site note. Do not use general collections for deployments, always create a new collection for a deplyoment. It will make you life easier when you want to exclude or include machines or collections from a deplyoment.

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