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Using SCCM 2007 to run an exe on a remote machine

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I have an exe on a remote computer that I want to launch via SCCM, it will eventually be on over 200 machines. I am trying to do this with a package/program. The package is built to not have any source files since the .exe is already on the remote machine from a prior SCCM batch file copy.


Then I made a program with the following command line: cmd.exe c/ "c:\Folder_Name\Settings\runme.exe".


I then create an advertisement for it to run ASAP and to not download content.


I see in the execmgr log that it kicks off but then hangs at this line: "Execution Request for Package ARC0002D program * state change from WaitingDependency to Ready"


What does that line mean? Am I missing something?




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