i have a Question, I want to create an Antimalware Policie and by a Malware found they should just send me an E-mail without any other action as delete the malware or move the Malware to the Quarantine.
by creating an new Antimalware Ploicy i found under Default actions, the settings for the action by a Malware found, but can´t set the option to allow all Malware founds.
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i have a Question, I want to create an Antimalware Policie and by a Malware found they should just send me an E-mail without any other action as delete the malware or move the Malware to the Quarantine.
by creating an new Antimalware Ploicy i found under Default actions, the settings for the action by a Malware found, but can´t set the option to allow all Malware founds.
I hope someone can help me.
Thanks and sorry for my english
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