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A few questions on ADR and Software Updates

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Read the guide for setting up monthly updates and it works great so far in the lab.


A few questions:


  • If we've never had an update policy before, we can assume that some machines needs updates further back than the last month. Initially, how do we best get those machines updated? A manual ADR with all updates up to this point in it?
  • Is it possible for a machine to miss it's update window? For instance, if a laptop is out of the office for several months. What happens when they come back? Will prior update groups still try to apply updates to that laptop?
  • Perhaps I've missed it, but is there a guide or similar to deploying updates manually to a bunch of machines?





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I normally create a "Vanilla" software update group manually for all the operating systems when setting up my patch management so that all the historical updates that still apply is downloaded and deployed to all the clients that potentially could need them. Then after that create an ADR and automatically create a new software update group each month with the latest updates.

Client will evaluate all updates that are deployed to them when they scan for updates so as long as the updates are still deployed, the clients will not miss them.



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