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Problems with drivers and images



I have followed most of your guides here for SCCM which have helped a lot but I seem to be having problems with drivers and sysprep.inf files and I thought you may be able to clarify how it works. We mostly have no HAL problems here since its all the same hal type mostly so I figured I may be able to use one image of xp for those machines thinking I can just add the drivers to sccm in the task sequence but this does not appear to work as expected. I had not added a display driver for a client which I did a build and capture of XP on so the screen was at the incorrect res. I added the driver to the sccm driver store and thought I would kick a rebuild off using the captured image of xp I just made but now I figured the driver would be found in PE mode and windows would install it. This did not work though and the screen remained the same stating it was missing the driver. Does this injecting of drivers work for XP?

I am correct in thinking I can just add device drivers into the sccm for new hardware and continue to use one image or is this a vista feature?

I use a custom sysprep.inf file which is deployed but its a sysprep from a image used with WDS previously. Do I need to ensure certain lines are in/out of it?

I am guessing sccm customises the sysprep as it goes along but is there a way to see what its final config sysprep is in case their is a problem with it?


I hope all this makes sense.



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you are thinking correctly you can add drivers to images in the task sequence,


if you can post your SMSTS.log file here I will be able to see why it ignored your drivers




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Cheers for that, dont have current log files as I had to rebuild the SCCM server (NEVER EVER INSTALL ISA FIREWALL CLIENT!) but now I know it can be done I will take another go at it and post an update.

I do love SCCM but damn microsoft need to simply it a little. Roll on 2010 as they say :)

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no worries, while you are waiting look at this post about installing drivers (application based drivers) to specific hardware


and this one for installing drivers the 'normal' way via task sequences, its vista based but change everything vista for xp.

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