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Application Supersedence 1 Deployment Type to 2 Deployment Types

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Originally we were pushing out an application for a piece of software that only came in 32 bit to all computers (1 deployment type). Recently the vendor released a 64 bit version. I created a new application for the new version with 2 deployment types (one for 32 and one for 64).


I am trying to setup Application Supersedence on the new version so it will uninstall the old version and install the new appropriate one (32 or 64). However when I select the older 32 bit application, I have to pick one of the 2 new deployment types to install after the uninstall happens. If I select the 64 bit version and click OK it adds it to the list. If I try to create another supersedence, I am unable to select the original application from the list.


Thanks in advance

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Just create a new deplyoment type for the 64Bit part of the old application. You can duplicate the 32Bit deployment type and just edit the dependencies of both. I did the same with the Visio Viewer 2007. You can even leave the sources entry blank.




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