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Currently logged in users


Hi All,


Can someone help me with a script (Powershell or VB) to populate the currently logged in username from Computers ?


What I have ?


A spreadsheet with Computer names.










What I am looking for ?


A script that reads Computer names from the spreadsheet and finds the currently logged in users on these computer and export the details to another spreadsheet in a something similar format.


COMP001 Adam

COMP002 Brian


I tried some scripts which I got from different forums out there but I am not getting what I am trying to achieve.




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I have used:

$ComputerlistPath = 'c:\temp\computerlist.txt'
$ComputerList = Get-Content -Path $ComputerlistPath; # one computer a line
foreach ($computer in $computerList){
    ($computer + ": " + @(Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $computer -Namespace root\cimv2 -Class Win32_ComputerSystem)[0].UserName);

To get this information a few times. you can probably use this as a basis to make a script do what you want.

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Thanks a ton...


I've tried this on my local machine and it works perfectly. I just need to redirect the result to an excel file which is not a big deal


However, I still need to give it a try inside my office network and see how it works.


Will come back with the updates.


Thanks again.

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