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Server updates managed by Windows Update and SCCM - Confusing!

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Hi All,


We are using SCCM 2012 to manage our fleet of workstations and servers. We are using SCCM to manage operating system updates as well.

Most of our servers obediently follow instruction by SCCM to install updates when they are supposed to.


However, a small number seem to have two sets of update components - Windows Update and SCCM's Updates.


If anyone has seen this before, I'd be appreciative to know whether there is a routine we can run to remove any Windows Updates components that are not required, so that it is purely SCCM managing the updates process.


Here is an example screenshot showing a server with the two components seemingly on at the same time, prompting for a restart: (Server 2008 R2 in this case)


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This is what may happen if you do not disable the automatic Windows updates via GPO.


Thanks very much Peter! I'll check our Group Policy for that OU.

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