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Stand-alone media not joining domain

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We are using SCCM 2012 R2 with stand-alone media (USB drive) to deploy OS updates.


We fill in the appropriate network information at the WinPE stage, and it obtains the right IP. However, it never connects to a domain when it gets to "Apply Network Settings". It works fine when we do a PXE boot over the network.


Any suggestions?

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The Apply Network Settings setup step only stores the information in the answer file, the actual domain join happens during the Setup Windows and ConfigMgr task sequence step.


Have you looked through the SMSTS.log files and the domain join log (c:\windows\debug\netsetup.log) for any errors ?

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Hi there,


Pasted below is the log file.


04/30/2014 14:42:14:344 NetpDoDomainJoin
04/30/2014 14:42:14:344 NetpMachineValidToJoin: 'DEV02401'
04/30/2014 14:42:14:344 OS Version: 6.1
04/30/2014 14:42:14:344 Build number: 7601 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.130828-1532)
04/30/2014 14:42:14:344 ServicePack: Service Pack 1
04/30/2014 14:42:14:344 SKU: Windows 7 Professional
04/30/2014 14:42:14:344 NetpDomainJoinLicensingCheck: ulLicenseValue=1, Status: 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:14:344 NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:14:344 NetpMachineValidToJoin: status: 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:14:344 NetpJoinDomain
04/30/2014 14:42:14:344 Machine: DEV02401
04/30/2014 14:42:14:344 Domain: firstcom.local
04/30/2014 14:42:14:344 MachineAccountOU: (NULL)
04/30/2014 14:42:14:344 Account: firstcom.local\wrplume
04/30/2014 14:42:14:344 Options: 0x25
04/30/2014 14:42:14:360 NetpLoadParameters: loading registry parameters...
04/30/2014 14:42:14:360 NetpLoadParameters: DNSNameResolutionRequired not found, defaulting to '1' 0x2
04/30/2014 14:42:14:360 NetpLoadParameters: DomainCompatibilityMode not found, defaulting to '0' 0x2
04/30/2014 14:42:14:360 NetpLoadParameters: status: 0x2
04/30/2014 14:42:14:360 NetpValidateName: checking to see if 'firstcom.local' is valid as type 3 name
04/30/2014 14:42:17:043 NetpCheckDomainNameIsValid [ Exists ] for 'firstcom.local' returned 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:17:043 NetpValidateName: name 'firstcom.local' is valid for type 3
04/30/2014 14:42:17:043 NetpDsGetDcName: trying to find DC in domain 'firstcom.local', flags: 0x40001010
04/30/2014 14:42:17:667 NetpLoadParameters: loading registry parameters...
04/30/2014 14:42:17:667 NetpLoadParameters: DNSNameResolutionRequired not found, defaulting to '1' 0x2
04/30/2014 14:42:17:667 NetpLoadParameters: DomainCompatibilityMode not found, defaulting to '0' 0x2
04/30/2014 14:42:17:667 NetpLoadParameters: status: 0x2
04/30/2014 14:42:18:228 NetpDsGetDcName: status of verifying DNS A record name resolution for 'Overlord.firstcom.local': 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:18:228 NetpDsGetDcName: found DC '\\Overlord.firstcom.local' in the specified domain
04/30/2014 14:42:18:228 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: NetpDsGetDcName returned: 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:20:475 [00000584] NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:20:709 [00000584] NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:27:651 NetpJoinDomain: status of connecting to dc '\\Overlord.firstcom.local': 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:27:651 NetpProvisionComputerAccount:
04/30/2014 14:42:27:651 lpDomain: firstcom.local
04/30/2014 14:42:27:651 lpMachineName: DEV02401
04/30/2014 14:42:27:651 lpMachineAccountOU: (NULL)
04/30/2014 14:42:27:651 lpDcName: Overlord.firstcom.local
04/30/2014 14:42:27:651 lpDnsHostName: (NULL)
04/30/2014 14:42:27:651 lpMachinePassword: (null)
04/30/2014 14:42:27:651 lpAccount: firstcom.local\wrplume
04/30/2014 14:42:27:651 lpPassword: (non-null)
04/30/2014 14:42:27:651 dwJoinOptions: 0x25
04/30/2014 14:42:27:651 dwOptions: 0x40000003
04/30/2014 14:42:37:869 NetpLdapBind: Verified minimum encryption strength on Overlord.firstcom.local: 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:37:869 NetpLdapGetLsaPrimaryDomain: reading domain data
04/30/2014 14:42:37:869 NetpGetNCData: Reading NC data
04/30/2014 14:42:38:415 NetpGetDomainData: Lookup domain data for: DC=firstcom,DC=local
04/30/2014 14:42:38:867 NetpGetDomainData: Lookup crossref data for: CN=Partitions,CN=Configuration,DC=firstcom,DC=local
04/30/2014 14:42:39:023 [000008b0] NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:39:476 NetpLdapGetLsaPrimaryDomain: result of retrieving domain data: 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:43:423 NetpGetComputerObjectDn: Cracking DNS domain name firstcom.local/ into Netbios on \\Overlord.firstcom.local
04/30/2014 14:42:44:125 NetpGetComputerObjectDn: Crack results: name = FIRSTCOM\
04/30/2014 14:42:44:125 NetpGetComputerObjectDn: Cracking account name FIRSTCOM\DEV02401$ on \\Overlord.firstcom.local
04/30/2014 14:42:44:889 NetpGetComputerObjectDn: Crack results: (Account already exists) DN = CN=DEV02401,OU=Des Peres Branch,DC=firstcom,DC=local
04/30/2014 14:42:45:560 NetpModifyComputerObjectInDs: Initial attribute values:
04/30/2014 14:42:45:560 objectClass = Computer
04/30/2014 14:42:45:560 SamAccountName = DEV02401$
04/30/2014 14:42:45:560 userAccountControl = 0x1000
04/30/2014 14:42:45:560 DnsHostName = DEV02401.firstcom.local
04/30/2014 14:42:45:560 ServicePrincipalName = HOST/DEV02401.firstcom.local RestrictedKrbHost/DEV02401.firstcom.local HOST/DEV02401 RestrictedKrbHost/DEV02401
04/30/2014 14:42:45:560 unicodePwd = <SomePassword>
04/30/2014 14:42:46:277 NetpModifyComputerObjectInDs: Computer Object already exists in OU:
04/30/2014 14:42:46:277 objectClass = top person organizationalPerson user computer
04/30/2014 14:42:46:277 SamAccountName = DEV02401$
04/30/2014 14:42:46:277 userAccountControl = 0x1000
04/30/2014 14:42:46:277 DnsHostName = dev02401.firstcom.local
04/30/2014 14:42:46:293 ServicePrincipalName = CmRcService/DEV02401 CmRcService/dev02401.firstcom.local HOST/dev02401.firstcom.local HOST/DEV02401
04/30/2014 14:42:46:293 unicodePwd = Account exists, resetting password: <SomePassword>
04/30/2014 14:42:46:293 NetpModifyComputerObjectInDs: Attribute values to set:
04/30/2014 14:42:46:293 ServicePrincipalName = RestrictedKrbHost/DEV02401.firstcom.local RestrictedKrbHost/DEV02401
04/30/2014 14:42:46:293 unicodePwd = <SomePassword>
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 NetpModifyComputerObjectInDs: Toggled UserAccountControl successfully
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 NetpEncodeProvisioningBlob: Encoding provisioning data
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 NetpInitBlobWin7: Constructing blob...
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 Blob version: 1
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 lpDomain: firstcom.local
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 lpMachineName: DEV02401
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 lpMachinePassword: <omitted from log>
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 DomainDnsPolicy:
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 Name: FIRSTCOM
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 DnsDomainName: firstcom.local
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 DnsForestName: firstcom.local
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 DomainGuid: aa97f718-6373-44a9-a5a6-78755abfa22e
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 Sid: S-1-5-21-281036976-1537647633-2264612811
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 DcInfo:
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 DomainControllerName: \\Overlord.firstcom.local
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 DomainControllerAddress: \\
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 DomainControllerAddressType: 1
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 DomainGuid: aa97f718-6373-44a9-a5a6-78755abfa22e
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 DomainName: firstcom.local
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 DnsForestName: firstcom.local
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 Flags: 0xe00033fd
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 DcSiteName: Chesterfield-MO
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 ClientSiteName: Chesterfield-MO
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 Options: 0x40000003
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 NetpInitBlobWin7: Blob pickling result: 0
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 NetpEncodeProvisioningBlob: result: 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 ldap_unbind status: 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 NetpRequestOfflineDomainJoin:
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 dwProvisionBinDataSize: 936
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 JoinOptions: 0x25
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 Options: 0x40000003
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 lpWindowsPath: C:\WINDOWS
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 NetpDecodeProvisioningBlob: Unpickling provisioning blob with size 936 bytes
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 NetpDecodeProvisioningBlob: Searching 1 blobs for supported ODJ blob, highest supported version: 1
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 NetpDecodeProvisioningBlob: Found ODJ blob version: 1
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 NetpDecodeProvisioningBlob: Selected ODJ blob version: 1
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 Blob version: 1
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 lpDomain: firstcom.local
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 lpMachineName: DEV02401
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 lpMachinePassword: <omitted from log>
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 DomainDnsPolicy:
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 Name: FIRSTCOM
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 DnsDomainName: firstcom.local
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 DnsForestName: firstcom.local
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 DomainGuid: aa97f718-6373-44a9-a5a6-78755abfa22e
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 Sid: S-1-5-21-281036976-1537647633-2264612811
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 DcInfo:
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 DomainControllerName: \\Overlord.firstcom.local
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 DomainControllerAddress: \\
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 DomainControllerAddressType: 1
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 DomainGuid: aa97f718-6373-44a9-a5a6-78755abfa22e
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 DomainName: firstcom.local
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 DnsForestName: firstcom.local
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 Flags: 0xe00033fd
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 DcSiteName: Chesterfield-MO
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 ClientSiteName: Chesterfield-MO
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 Options: 0x40000003
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 NetpDoInitiateOfflineDomainJoin
04/30/2014 14:42:48:773 NetpDoInitiateOfflineDomainJoin: Setting backup/restore privileges
04/30/2014 14:42:48:805 NetpInitiateOfflineJoin
04/30/2014 14:42:48:805 lpLocalRegistryPath: C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\SYSTEM
04/30/2014 14:42:48:805 dwOptions: 0x40000003
04/30/2014 14:42:48:805 NetpConvertBlobToJoinState: Translating provisioning data to internal format
04/30/2014 14:42:48:805 NetpConvertBlobToJoinState: Selecting version 1
04/30/2014 14:42:48:805 NetpConvertBlobToJoinState: exiting: 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:48:805 NetpValidateFullJoinState: Validating provisioning data...
04/30/2014 14:42:48:805 NetpValidateFullJoinState: exiting: 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:48:805 NetpClearFullJoinState: Removing cached state from the registry...
04/30/2014 14:42:48:805 NetpClearFullJoinState: Status of deleting join state key 0x2
04/30/2014 14:42:48:805 NetpSaveFullJoinStateInternal: Injecting provisioning data into image...
04/30/2014 14:42:48:805 NetpSaveFullJoinStateInternal: exiting: 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:48:805 NetpSetComputerNamesOffline: Checking for pending name changes...
04/30/2014 14:42:48:805 SetHostName: TRUE
04/30/2014 14:42:48:805 SetDnsDomain: TRUE
04/30/2014 14:42:48:805 SetNetBiosName: TRUE
04/30/2014 14:42:48:805 SetCurrentValues: TRUE
04/30/2014 14:42:48:805 NetpSetComputerNamesOffline: Setting Hostname to DEV02401
04/30/2014 14:42:48:805 NetpSetComputerNamesOffline: Setting Domain name to firstcom.local
04/30/2014 14:42:48:805 NetpSetComputerNamesOffline: Setting NetBios computer name to DEV02401
04/30/2014 14:42:48:820 NetpDoInitiateOfflineDomainJoin: status: 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:48:820 NetRequestOfflineDomainJoin: Successfully initiated the offline domain join
04/30/2014 14:42:48:820 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: Setting netlogon cache.
04/30/2014 14:42:52:049 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: status of setting netlogon cache: 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:52:049 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: Function exits with status of: 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:52:049 NetpJoinDomainOnDs: status of disconnecting from '\\Overlord.firstcom.local': 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:52:049 NetpCompleteOfflineDomainJoin
04/30/2014 14:42:52:049 fBootTimeCaller: FALSE
04/30/2014 14:42:52:049 fSetLocalGroups: TRUE
04/30/2014 14:42:52:049 NetpLsaOpenSecret: status: 0xc0000034
04/30/2014 14:42:52:049 NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:52:049 NetpJoinDomainLocal: NetpHandleJoinedStateInfo returned: 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:52:049 NetpLsaOpenSecret: status: 0xc0000034
04/30/2014 14:42:52:829 [000008b0] NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:52:861 [000008b0] NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:53:157 NetpJoinDomainLocal: NetpManageMachineSecret returned: 0x0.
04/30/2014 14:42:53:157 Calling NetpQueryService to get Netlogon service state.
04/30/2014 14:42:53:157 NetpJoinDomainLocal: NetpQueryService returned: 0x0.
04/30/2014 14:42:53:391 NetpSetLsaPrimaryDomain: for 'FIRSTCOM' status: 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:53:391 NetpJoinDomainLocal: status of setting LSA pri. domain: 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:53:391 NetpManageLocalGroupsForJoin: Adding groups for new domain, removing groups from old domain, if any.
04/30/2014 14:42:53:391 NetpManageLocalGroups: Populating list of account SIDs.
04/30/2014 14:42:54:015 NetpManageLocalGroupsForJoin: status of modifying groups related to domain 'FIRSTCOM' to local groups: 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:54:015 NetpManageLocalGroupsForJoin: INFO: No old domain groups to process.
04/30/2014 14:42:54:015 NetpJoinDomainLocal: Status of managing local groups: 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:54:982 NetpJoinDomainLocal: status of setting ComputerNamePhysicalDnsDomain to 'firstcom.local': 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:54:982 NetpJoinDomainLocal: Controlling services and setting service start type.
04/30/2014 14:42:54:982 NetpJoinDomainLocal: Updating W32TimeConfig
04/30/2014 14:42:54:982 NetpUpdateW32timeConfig: 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:54:982 NetpClearFullJoinState: Removing cached state from the registry...
04/30/2014 14:42:54:982 NetpClearFullJoinState: Status of deleting join state key 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:54:982 NetpCompleteOfflineDomainJoin: status: 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:54:982 NetpJoinDomain: NetpCompleteOfflineDomainJoin SUCCESS: Requested a reboot :0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:54:982 NetpDoDomainJoin: status: 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:56:768 -----------------------------------------------------------------
04/30/2014 14:42:56:768 NetpChangeMachineName: from 'DEV02401' to 'DEV02401' using 'xxx' [0x1000]
04/30/2014 14:42:56:768 NetpDsGetDcName: trying to find DC in domain 'FIRSTCOM', flags: 0x1010
04/30/2014 14:42:57:470 NetpDsGetDcName: found DC '\\OVERLORD' in the specified domain
04/30/2014 14:42:57:470 NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0
04/30/2014 14:42:57:470 NetpGetDnsHostName: Read NV Domain: firstcom.local
04/30/2014 14:43:00:091 NetpLdapBind: ldap_bind failed on OVERLORD: 81: Server Down
04/30/2014 14:43:00:091 NetpSetDnsHostNameAndSpn: NetpLdapBind failed: 0x3a
04/30/2014 14:43:00:091 NetpChangeMachineName: status of setting DnsHostName and SPN: 0x3a



The Apply Network Settings setup step only stores the information in the answer file, the actual domain join happens during the Setup Windows and ConfigMgr task sequence step.


Have you looked through the SMSTS.log files and the domain join log (c:\windows\debug\netsetup.log) for any errors ?

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I just realized -- this log contains info AFTER the image and when I went in and joined the domain manually. It actually works when I do it post-imaging. I'll have to see if I can get a log where it doesn't successfully join.



I am confused on how I would even be able to resolve any of these given there's no Windows install... this is for an OS deployment.



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After reviewing netsetup.log during the actual OS deployment, it doesn't look like it's attempting to connect to the domain at all. It is simply joining a default workgroup. It's in the task sequence, however, and works with a network-based deployment.


I need to figure out a way to make this work when using stand-alone media that isn't too burdensome.

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