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Build and Capture not installing applications [2012 R2]

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Was anyone ever able to make any progress on this? Im having the exact same issues and I dont know where else to go from here. My build and capture VM is inside an ip range boundary and assigned to a boundary group, and the IP has been verified during the task sequence. I added the SMSMP=... site code to the config manager client installer in the task sequence to force it to be set from the get go. I verified that the network account that we're using can access the MP (which is also our DP). I tried a different network account (just a domain user account) as well.


All applications fail to install, as do all updates. Last I checked, it appeared that the updates arent even being downloaded. Programs download and install fine during the build and capture task sequence though, and OS imaging works fine via PXE or via usb boot media. Its just the build and capture that is causing issues, throwing 80004005 access denied errors as seen above.

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Well I believe that I fixed my issue. I needed to build a package to apply hotfix 2522623 in my task sequence after windows was installed but before attempting to install any updates or applications. The package left quotes around the install command line which was causing issues and failing the package, so even though I had the hotfix in place, it didnt appear to be fixing the issue. Once I figured this out and corrected it, then the hotfix did its job and let everything install as it should. I found the answer at http://guidestomicrosoft.com/2013/07/18/install-applications-and-updates-fail-with-error-0x80070005-configmgr-2012/



Hope this helps someone as I was stuck on this issue for about a week.

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