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Task Sequence Error 0x80004005

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Hi everybody,


I saw a lot of subjects about this error but i didn't find the answer. I did a manual capture with windows 7. I've no drivers installed and no configmgr client too. I put wim image on the distribution point witch is not the management point. I put network drivers in the boot image and put in the DP too. When i saw this error, i installed the network driver to see the difference but nothing change, still the same. I boot on the usb media (try stand alone and bootable media)


I have no logs because it's a new pc so i'm blind and i need your help!


thank you

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At what stage are you getting this error?


I often see our IT Support staff get this error if UEFI is left on in the BIOS. Since we don't support UEFI yet, we have to turn it off in the BIOS before we can deploy an image.


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