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ZTI OSD downloading updates from MS, not SCCM server


I recently upgraded our SCCM server from 2012 SP1 to 2012R2. Since then, I've been struggling to get OSD working again. After creating a new task sequence, with new versions of the packages for USMT, settings, deployment tools, etc, I've got it mostly back up and going. The trouble now is that the task sequence seems to be downloading updates from windows update, not from the SCCM server.


Looking in the SMSTS.log, I see a few errors, though I'm not sure they are related.

Compiling AppManClientConfig policy...	TSManager	6/10/2014 9:10:06 AM	1276 (0x04FC)
Retrieving value from TSEnv for '_SMSTSAppManClientConfigPolicy'	TSManager	6/10/2014 9:10:06 AM	1276 (0x04FC)
::DecompressBuffer(65536)	TSManager	6/10/2014 9:10:06 AM	1276 (0x04FC)
Decompression (zlib) succeeded: original size 982, uncompressed size 6358.	TSManager	6/10/2014 9:10:06 AM	1276 (0x04FC)
Instance path = 'CCM_ApplicationManagementClientConfig.SiteSettingsKey="1"'	TSManager	6/10/2014 9:10:06 AM	1276 (0x04FC)
Start to compile TS policy	TSManager	6/10/2014 9:10:06 AM	1276 (0x04FC)
Failed to find property 'AutoApplyDeployment' in 'CCM_ApplicationManagementClientConfig' class defintion. Error 0x80041002. Default value will be used for this property	TSManager	6/10/2014 9:10:06 AM	1276 (0x04FC)
Policy complied successfully in WMI 'root\ccm\policy\defaultmachine\requestedconfig' namespace	TSManager	6/10/2014 9:10:06 AM	1276 (0x04FC)
End TS policy compilation	TSManager	6/10/2014 9:10:06 AM	1276 (0x04FC)


pNAP->GetSystemIsolationInfo(&pNAPInfo, &bUnknownConnections), HRESULT=8027000c (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\tasksequence\napcontrol\remediate.cpp,463)	TSManager	6/10/2014 9:10:28 AM	1276 (0x04FC)
GetSystemIsolationInfo(spNapClientInfo, &IsoStat), HRESULT=8027000c (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\tasksequence\napcontrol\remediate.cpp,632)	TSManager	6/10/2014 9:10:28 AM	1276 (0x04FC)
Error getting system isolation info. Code 8027000C	TSManager	6/10/2014 9:10:28 AM	1276 (0x04FC)
ComputeComplianceAndRemediate(&QState), HRESULT=8027000c (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\tasksequence\napcontrol\tsnapcontrol.cpp,48)	TSManager	6/10/2014 9:10:28 AM	1276 (0x04FC)
Remediation failed. Code 8027000C	TSManager	6/10/2014 9:10:28 AM	1276 (0x04FC)
hr = m_oNapCtrl.Remediate(QState), HRESULT=8027000c (e:\nts_sccm_release\sms\client\tasksequence\tsmanager\tsmanager.cpp,1539)	TSManager	6/10/2014 9:10:28 AM	1276 (0x04FC)
Remediation failed with error code 8027000C	TSManager	6/10/2014 9:10:28 AM	1276 (0x04FC)

During the time that updates are being downloaded/installed, I don't see any errors. Here's the bit of the log file from that time. There are over 600 lines similar to the first few in this example:

[613] Added/updated setting 'ccm_civersioninfo:modelname=site_cadca650-1ec0-4f91-96e4-eb2f3a11f57f/sum_fd7c7a92-93cb-47ba-a3a2-0ca6fcc345ba:version=203'.	InstallSWUpdate	6/10/2014 9:14:49 AM	3028 (0x0BD4)
[614] Added/updated setting 'ccm_civersioninfo:modelname=site_cadca650-1ec0-4f91-96e4-eb2f3a11f57f/sum_fdaa8e0b-63d2-4bbe-8209-a5526ce9bc86:version=203'.	InstallSWUpdate	6/10/2014 9:14:49 AM	3028 (0x0BD4)
[615] Added/updated setting 'ccm_civersioninfo:modelname=site_cadca650-1ec0-4f91-96e4-eb2f3a11f57f/sum_fe012160-7a31-44c8-a1ba-c6cdc184689a:version=202'.	InstallSWUpdate	6/10/2014 9:14:49 AM	3028 (0x0BD4)
[616] Added/updated setting 'ccm_civersioninfo:modelname=site_cadca650-1ec0-4f91-96e4-eb2f3a11f57f/sum_ff0d207d-29cd-44e8-88aa-3676f0c15bb9:version=202'.	InstallSWUpdate	6/10/2014 9:14:49 AM	3028 (0x0BD4)
[617] Added/updated setting 'ccm_civersioninfo:modelname=site_cadca650-1ec0-4f91-96e4-eb2f3a11f57f/sum_ff45265c-b98c-4104-8242-142580dd3fad:version=203'.	InstallSWUpdate	6/10/2014 9:14:49 AM	3028 (0x0BD4)
[618] Added/updated setting 'ccm_civersioninfo:modelname=site_cadca650-1ec0-4f91-96e4-eb2f3a11f57f/sum_ff845912-b926-463d-aa27-4a409412256b:version=203'.	InstallSWUpdate	6/10/2014 9:14:49 AM	3028 (0x0BD4)
Unlocked ActualConfig successfully	InstallSWUpdate	6/10/2014 9:14:49 AM	3028 (0x0BD4)
Unlocked policy transaction lock successfully	InstallSWUpdate	6/10/2014 9:14:49 AM	3028 (0x0BD4)
Raising event:
instance of CCM_PolicyAgent_SettingsEvaluationComplete
	ClientID = "GUID:D51C9558-680A-4FA7-82DB-681493D90486";
	DateTime = "20140610141449.928000+000";
	PolicyNamespace = "\\\\.\\root\\ccm\\policy\\machine\\actualconfig";
	ProcessID = 3024;
	ThreadID = 3028;
	InstallSWUpdate	6/10/2014 9:14:49 AM	3028 (0x0BD4)
Successfully submitted event to the Status Agent.	InstallSWUpdate	6/10/2014 9:14:49 AM	3028 (0x0BD4)
End TS policy evaluation	InstallSWUpdate	6/10/2014 9:14:50 AM	3028 (0x0BD4)
Policy evaluation initiated	InstallSWUpdate	6/10/2014 9:14:50 AM	3028 (0x0BD4)
GetIPriviledgedInstallInterface successful	InstallSWUpdate	6/10/2014 9:14:50 AM	3028 (0x0BD4)
Refreshing Updates	InstallSWUpdate	6/10/2014 9:14:50 AM	3028 (0x0BD4)
Successfully initiated RefreshUpdates operation 	InstallSWUpdate	6/10/2014 9:15:33 AM	3028 (0x0BD4)
Waiting for RefreshUpdates complete notification from Updates Deployment Agent	InstallSWUpdate	6/10/2014 9:15:33 AM	3028 (0x0BD4)
Notification received, RefreshUpdates have been completed	InstallSWUpdates	6/10/2014 9:25:46 AM	2424 (0x0978)
Signaled RefreshComplete notification	InstallSWUpdates	6/10/2014 9:25:46 AM	2424 (0x0978)
Received RefreshUpdates complete notification from Updates Deployment Agent	InstallSWUpdate	6/10/2014 9:25:46 AM	3028 (0x0BD4)
RefreshUpdates operation has been completed, hr=0x00000000	InstallSWUpdate	6/10/2014 9:25:46 AM	3028 (0x0BD4)
GetIPriviledgedInstallInterface successful	InstallSWUpdate	6/10/2014 9:25:46 AM	3028 (0x0BD4)
Installing all updates targetted for this computer	InstallSWUpdate	6/10/2014 9:25:46 AM	3028 (0x0BD4)
Checking if the active request handle: {DACCC970-DB1B-4113-8480-D959395BD826} is valid.	InstallSWUpdate	6/10/2014 9:25:46 AM	3028 (0x0BD4)
CoCreateInstance succeeded	InstallSWUpdate	6/10/2014 9:25:46 AM	3028 (0x0BD4)
Active request handle: {DACCC970-DB1B-4113-8480-D959395BD826} is valid.	InstallSWUpdate	6/10/2014 9:25:46 AM	3028 (0x0BD4)
Installation of updates started	InstallSWUpdate	6/10/2014 9:25:51 AM	3028 (0x0BD4)
Waiting for installation job to complete	InstallSWUpdate	6/10/2014 9:25:51 AM	3028 (0x0BD4)

Can anyone point me to where I might have gone wrong?

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