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Porting SCCM Configuration to another Environment

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Hi All,

Currently we have a Production Environment with a SCCM 2012 CAS Hierarchy.

We are currently looking to build a Second Production Environment and want to leverage as much of the SCCM Configurations as possible. (They must be separate disjointed networks/environments).

Specifically, the OSD Task Sequences/Applications/Packages.

Are there any recommendations on how to approach this?

I'm aware you can export Task Sequences and all their dependencies, just seeing if I can leverage the expertise of somebody that may have already attempted this.

Cheers guys :)

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right click on the task sequence and choose Export, it will allow you to export everything referenced in the task sequence to the other environment, try it !, i've exported from one Live production env to another and there was no issue other than the 'new' source for the packages/applications may have to be moved/thought about on the target.

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right click on the task sequence and choose Export, it will allow you to export everything referenced in the task sequence to the other environment, try it !, i've exported from one Live production env to another and there was no issue other than the 'new' source for the packages/applications may have to be moved/thought about on the target.

Hi Anyweb, cheers for the prompt response. Unfortunately during the Task Sequence Exports are getting "File Path is too long". Hoping there may be around this issue.

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