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I work for a university that has a standard DNS suffix that matches the domain name across most of the University. My department, however, is unique and our workstations are actually assigned a different DNS suffix that does not match the domain name. So a computer may be named CompName.DomainName.edu but it will resolve as CompName.AltDNSSuffix.edu. Central IT has given out department's IT delegated access to our department's device collection in Configuration Manager 2012 and sent us to training. One of the suggestions of our trainer was to utilize Now Micro Right Click Tools. These tools work for every department in the university but mine. Any time I try to use them, I get told that the workstation is offline.


I believe the reason for this is my department's unique DNS Suffix. The actual error I get is "CompName.DomainName.edu is not online." The problem is that CompName.DomainName.edu does not resolve, only CompName.AltDNSSuffix.edu will resolve. I do not have control over the DNS or DHCP so I am looking for a solution that does not involve changes to their configuration.


Now Micro Right Click tools is really just a cool collection of Powershell scripts so I believe I can correct this if I can get the script which queries and assigns the computer name to a variable to assign only the first part of the computer name, not the FQDN to the variable. Meaning the variable $CompName becomes "CompName" and not "CompName.DomainName.edu". I am not that skilled with Powershell or scripting in general and would appreciate any assistance. I believe the script I will paste at the bottom of this post is the one that needs to be altered. Thanks! Ryan


Functions that do all the work
Author: Ryan Ephgrave
Now Micro Right Click Tools

$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$Script:JobTimer = @{}
$Script:SkippedJobs = @()
$Script:TimedOutComps = New-Object System.Collections.Arraylist
$Script:UnsuccessfulCount = 0
$Script:NumSuccessful = 0
$Script:SuccessfulArray = New-Object System.Collections.Arraylist
$Script:UnsuccessfulArray = New-Object System.Collections.Arraylist

Function WOL {
Param (
$UDPclient = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient
filter Convert-IPToDecimal{([iPAddress][string]([iPAddress]$_)).Address}
filter Convert-DecimalToIP{([system.Net.IPAddress]$_).IPAddressToString}
$PacketSentCount = 0
$SentPacket = $false
$IPArray = $IP.Split(",")
$MaskArray = $SubnetMask.Split(",")
foreach ($instance in $IPArray){
if ($instance.contains(".")){
foreach ($MaskInstance in $MaskArray){
if ($MaskInstance.contains(".")){
$strEditedMac = $MAC | Out-String
$strEditedMac = $strEditedMac.replace(":","")
$strEditedMac = $strEditedMac.Substring(0,12)
[uInt32]$ip = $instance | Convert-IPToDecimal
[uInt32]$subnet = $MaskInstance | Convert-IPToDecimal
[uInt32]$broadcast = $ip -band $subnet
$broadcastAddr = $broadcast -bor -bnot $subnet | Convert-DecimalToIP
$BroadcastAddress = [Net.IPAddress]::Parse($BroadcastAddr)
$MakingPacket=0,2,4,6,8,10 | % {[Convert]::ToByte($strEditedMac.substring($_,2),16)}
$Packet = (,[byte]255 * 6) + ($MakingPacket * 16)
Do {
[void]$UDPclient.Send($Packet, 102)
} while ($PacketSentCount -lt $PacketsToSend)
$SentPacket = $true
$Results = Select-Object -InputObject "" One, Two, Three, Four, Five
$Results.One = "$CompName"
$Results.Two = "$MAC"
$Results.Three = "$Instance"
$Results.Four = "$MaskInstance"
$Results.Five = "$Port"
$Script:SuccessfulArray += $Results
if ($SentPacket -eq $false) {
$Results = Select-Object -InputObject "" One
$Results.One = "$CompName"
$Script:UnsuccessfulArray += $Results

$Client_Actions = {
$CompName = $args[0]
$strAction = $args[1]
$Answer = $args[2]
If (Test-Connection -computername $CompName -count 1 -quiet){
if ($Answer -eq 6) {
$ActionObject = Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * from InventoryActionStatus where InventoryActionID = '$strAction'" -Namespace root\ccm\invagt -ComputerName $CompName
$ActionObject | Remove-WmiObject
$WMIPath = "\\" + $CompName + "\root\ccm:SMS_Client"
$SMSwmi = [wmiclass] $WMIPath
if($Error[0]){$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Error|" + $Error}
else{$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Successful"}
else {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Off"}
Write-Output $strOutput

$Ping_Computer = {
$CompName = $args[0]
$strOutput = "$CompName|Left|"
Test-connection -computername $CompName -count 1 | ForEach-Object {
$StrOutput = $strOutput + $_.ProtocolAddress
$StrOutput = $strOutput + "|" + $_.ResponseTime + "ms"
$StrOutput = $strOutput + "|" + $_.ReplySize
$StrOutput = $strOutput + "|" + $_.ResponseTimeToLive + "|"
if ($Error[0]) {$strOutput = "$CompName|Right|Off"}
Write-Output $strOutput

$GPUpdate_Computer = {
$CompName = $args[0]
$UserPolicy = $args[1]
$ComputerPolicy = $args[2]
if ($UserPolicy -eq "True" -and $ComputerPolicy -eq "True") {$strCommand = "cmd /c echo N | gpupdate /force"}
elseif ($UserPolicy -eq "True") {$strCommand = "cmd /c echo N | gpupdate /Target:User /force"}
elseif ($ComputerPolicy -eq "True") {$strCommand = "cmd /c echo N | gpupdate /Target:Computer /force"}
else {$strCommand = "cmd /c echo N | gpupdate /force"}
if (Test-Connection $CompName -Count 1) {
if ($UserPolicy -eq "True") {
$LoggedOnUser = $null
$strQuery = "Select UserName from Win32_ComputerSystem"
Get-WmiObject -Query $strQuery -ComputerName $CompName | ForEach-Object {$LoggedOnUser = $_.UserName}
if ($LoggedOnUser.Length -lt 1) {
$strQuery = "Select * from Win32_Process where Name like 'explorer.exe'"
Get-WmiObject -Query $strQuery -ComputerName $CompName | ForEach-Object {$LoggedOnUser = $_.GetOwner()}
$LoggedOnUser = $LoggedOnUser.Domain + "\" + $LoggedOnUser.User
$LoggedOnUser = $LoggedOnUser | Out-String
$LoggedOnUser = $LoggedOnUser.replace("`n","")
if ($LoggedOnUser.Length -gt 2) {
$Today = Get-Date
$Tomorrow = $Today.AddDays(1)
$Today = "{0:MM/dd/yyyy}" -f [DateTime]$Today
$Tomorrow = "{0:MM/dd/yyyy}" -f [DateTime]$Tomorrow
& cmd /c schtasks.exe /create /S "$CompName" /RU "$LoggedOnUser" /SC DAILY /SD "$Today" /ST "00:02" /ED "$Tomorrow" /Z /F /TN "Temp_GPUpdate_Task" /TR "`"$strCommand`""
Start-Sleep 10
& cmd /c schtasks.exe /run /S "$CompName" /i /tn "Temp_GPUpdate_Task"
& cmd /c schtasks.exe /delete /S "$CompName" /f /tn "Temp_GPUpdate_Task"
if ($Error[0]) {
$ErrorMsg = $Error[0].Exception.Message
$strOutput = "$CompName|Error|$ErrorMsg"
else {$strOutput = "$CompName|Successful|$LoggedOnUser"}
else {
[WMIClass]$wmi = "\\$CompName\root\cimv2:Win32_Process"
$wmi.Create($strCommand) | Out-Null
if ($Error[0]) {
$ErrorMsg = $Error[0].Exception.Message
$strOutput = "$CompName|Error|$ErrorMsg"
else {$strOutput = "$CompName|Successful"}
else {
[WMIClass]$wmi = "\\$CompName\root\cimv2:Win32_Process"
$wmi.Create($strCommand) | Out-Null
if ($Error[0]) {
$ErrorMsg = $Error[0].Exception.Message
$strOutput = "$CompName|Error|$ErrorMsg"
else {$strOutput = "$CompName|Successful"}
else {$strOutput = "$CompName|Off"}
Write-Output $strOutput

$Cancel_Pending_Reboot = {
$CompName = $args[0]
If (test-connection -computername $CompName -count 1 -quiet){
& shutdown.exe /m $CompName /a
$ShutdownExitCode = $LastExitCode
if ($ShutdownExitCode -eq 1116) {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|No pending shutdown"}
elseif ($ShutdownExitCode -eq 0) {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Cancelled pending shutdown"}
else {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Error|" + $Error}
else {$strOutput = "$CompName|Off"}
Write-Output $strOutput

$Change_Cache_Size = {
$CompName = $args[0]
$NewCacheSize = $args[1]
If (test-connection -computername $CompName -count 1 -quiet){
$CacheUsed = 0
$strQuery = "select ContentSize from CacheInfoEx"
Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $CompName -Query $strQuery -Namespace root\ccm\SoftMgmtAgent | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.ContentSize -ne $null) {
$TempNum = 0
$TempNum = $_.ContentSize
$TempNum = $TempNum / 1024
$CacheUsed = $CacheUsed + $TempNum
$cachesize = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $CompName -Class CacheConfig -Namespace root\ccm\softmgmtagent
foreach ($instance in $cachesize) {$OldCache = $instance.Size}
$cachesize.Size = "$NewCacheSize"
$cachesize.Put() | Out-Null
if($Error[0]){$strOutput = $CompName + "|Error|" + $Error}
else{$strOutput = $CompName + "|Successful|" + $NewCacheSize + "|" + $OldCache + "|" + $CacheUsed}
else {$strOutput = "$Compname|Off"}
Write-Output $strOutput

$Clear_Cache = {
$CompName = $null
$CompName = $args[0]
If (test-connection -computername $CompName -count 1 -quiet){
Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $CompName -Class CacheInfoEx -Namespace root\ccm\softmgmtagent | ForEach-Object {
$CachePath = $_.Location
$CachePath = $CachePath.replace(":","$")
$CachePath = "\\$CompName\$CachePath"
Remove-Item $CachePath -Recurse -Force
$_ | Remove-WmiObject
if ($Error[0]) {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Error| " + $Error}
else {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Successful"}
else {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Off"}
Write-Output $strOutput

$Repair_Client = {
$CompName = $null
$CompName = $args[0]
If (test-connection -computername $CompName -count 1 -quiet){
$WMIPath = "\\" + $CompName + "\root\ccm:SMS_Client"
$SMSwmi = [wmiclass] $WMIPath
if ($Error[0]) {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Error|" + $Error}
else {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Successful"}
else {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Off"}
Write-Output $strOutput

$Restart_SMS_Service = {
$CompName = $null
$CompName = $args[0]
If (test-connection -computername $CompName -count 1 -quiet){
$CcmExecService = Get-Service -ComputerName $CompName -Name "CcmExec"
Restart-Service -InputObject $CcmExecService
if ($Error[0]) {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Error| " + $Error}
else {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Successful"}
else {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Off"}
Write-Output $strOutput

$Uninstall_Client = {
$CompName = $null
$CompName = $args[0]
If (test-connection -computername $CompName -count 1 -quiet){
Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $CompName -Class CCM_InstalledProduct -Namespace root\ccm | ForEach-Object {$ProductCode = $_.ProductCode}
$UninstallCommand = "msiexec /x `"$ProductCode`" REBOOT=ReallySuppress /q"
$WMIPath = "\\" + $CompName + "\root\cimv2:Win32_Process"
$StartProcess = [wmiclass] $WMIPath
$ProcError = $StartProcess.Create($UninstallCommand,$null,$null)
$ProcError = $ProcError.ReturnValue
if ($Error[0]) {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Error| " + $Error}
else {
if ($ProcError -eq 0){$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Successful"}
else {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Error| " + $Error}
else {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Off"}
Write-Output $strOutput

$Schedule_ShutdownRestart = {
$CompName = $null
$CompName = $args[0]
$Action = $args[1]
$Delay = $args[2]
$IfUserOnBoxText = $args[3]
$TaskName = $args[4]
$FreqText = $args[5]
$Modifier = $args[6]
$StartDate = $args[7]
$StartTime = $args[8]
$EndDate = $args[9]
$Directory = $args[10]
$StartDay = $args[11]
If (test-connection -computername $CompName -count 1 -quiet){
if ($Action -eq "Restart"){
if ($IfUserOnBoxText -eq "Restart/Shutdown") {
$ShutdownCommand = "shutdown /r /f /t $delay"
elseif ($IfUserOnBoxText -eq "Give user a prompt to cancel"){
Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $CompName -class Win32_OperatingSystem | ForEach-Object {$WinDirectory = $_.WindowsDirectory}
$ShutdownCommand = "$WinDirectory\ConfigMgr_Shutdown_Utility.exe /r /t $Delay /Schtask `"$WinDirectory\ConfigMgr_Shutdown_Utility.exe`""
$CopyDirectory = $WinDirectory.ToLower().replace("c:","\\$CompName\c$")
Copy-Item "$Directory\ConfigMgr_Shutdown_Utility.exe" $CopyDirectory -Force
Copy-Item "$Directory\ConfigMgr_Shutdown_Utility.vbs" $CopyDirectory -Force
elseif ($IfUserOnBoxText -eq "Cancel Restart/Shutdown") {
Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $CompName -class Win32_OperatingSystem | ForEach-Object {$WinDirectory = $_.WindowsDirectory}
$ShutdownCommand = "$WinDirectory\ConfigMgr_Shutdown_Utility.exe /r /t $Delay /Skip /Schtask `"$WinDirectory\ConfigMgr_Shutdown_Utility.exe`""
$CopyDirectory = $WinDirectory.ToLower().replace("c:","\\$CompName\c$")
Copy-Item "$Directory\ConfigMgr_Shutdown_Utility.exe" $CopyDirectory -Force
elseif ($Action -eq "Shutdown") {
if ($IfUserOnBoxText -eq "Restart/Shutdown") {
$ShutdownCommand = "shutdown /s /f /t $delay"
elseif ($IfUserOnBoxText -eq "Give user a prompt to cancel"){
Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $CompName -class Win32_OperatingSystem | ForEach-Object {$WinDirectory = $_.WindowsDirectory}
$ShutdownCommand = "$WinDirectory\ConfigMgr_Shutdown_Utility.exe -arguments /s /t $Delay /Schtask `"$WinDirectory\ConfigMgr_Shutdown_Utility.exe`""
$CopyDirectory = $WinDirectory.ToLower().replace("c:","\\$CompName\c$")
Copy-Item "$Directory\ConfigMgr_Shutdown_Utility.exe" $CopyDirectory -Force
Copy-Item "$Directory\ConfigMgr_Shutdown_Utility.vbs" $CopyDirectory -Force
elseif ($IfUserOnBoxText -eq "Cancel Restart/Shutdown") {
Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $CompName -class Win32_OperatingSystem | ForEach-Object {$WinDirectory = $_.WindowsDirectory}
$ShutdownCommand = "$WinDirectory\ConfigMgr_Shutdown_Utility.exe -arguments /s /t $Delay /Skip /Schtask `"$WinDirectory\ConfigMgr_Shutdown_Utility.exe`""
$CopyDirectory = $WinDirectory.ToLower().replace("c:","\\$CompName\c$")
Copy-Item "$Directory\ConfigMgr_Shutdown_Utility.exe" $CopyDirectory -Force
if ($Error[0]) {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Error| " + $Error}
else {
if ($FreqText -eq "Once") {
$strTest = & schtasks.exe /create /S "$CompName" /RU SYSTEM /SC ONCE /SD "$StartDate" /ST "$StartTime" /F /TN "$TaskName" /TR "`"$ShutdownCommand`""
if ($Error[0]) {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Error| " + $Error}
else {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Successful"}
elseif ($FreqText -eq "Daily") {
$strTest = & schtasks.exe /create /S "$CompName" /RU SYSTEM /SC DAILY /SD "$StartDate" /ST "$StartTime" /ED "$EndDate" /Z /F /TN "$TaskName" /TR "`"$ShutdownCommand`""
if ($Error[0]) {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Error| " + $Error}
else {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Successful"}
elseif ($FreqText -eq "Weekly") {
$strTest = & schtasks.exe /create /S "$CompName" /RU SYSTEM /SC WEEKLY /d "$StartDay" /SD "$StartDate" /ST "$StartTime" /ED "$EndDate" /Z /F /TN "$TaskName" /TR "`"$ShutdownCommand`""
if ($Error[0]) {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Error|$Error"}
else {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Successful"}
elseif ($FreqText -eq "Monthly (On Day)") {
if ($Modifier -eq "LASTDAY") {$strTest = & schtasks.exe /create /S "$CompName" /RU SYSTEM /SC MONTHLY /MO $Modifier /M * /SD "$StartDate" /ST "$StartTime" /ED "$EndDate" /Z /F /TN "$TaskName" /TR "`"$ShutdownCommand`""}
else {$strTest = & schtasks.exe /create /S "$CompName" /RU SYSTEM /SC MONTHLY /MO $Modifier /d $StartDay /SD "$StartDate" /ST "$StartTime" /ED "$EndDate" /Z /F /TN "$TaskName" /TR "`"$ShutdownCommand`""}
if ($Error[0]) {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Error| " + $Error}
else {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Successful"}
elseif ($FreqText -eq "Monthly (On Date)") {
$strTest = & schtasks.exe /create /S "$CompName" /RU SYSTEM /SC MONTHLY /d $StartDay /SD "$StartDate" /ST "$StartTime" /ED "$EndDate" /Z /F /TN "$TaskName" /TR "`"$ShutdownCommand`""
if ($Error[0]) {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Error| " + $Error}
else {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Successful"}
else {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Off"}
Write-Output $strOutput

$ShutdownRestart_Device = {
$CompName = $args[0]
$strAction = $args[1]
$IndexNum = $args[2]
$Delay = $args[3]
$msg = $args[4]
$Directory = $args[5]
$psexec = $args[6]
$LoggedOnUser = $null
$LoggedOnDomain = $null
If (test-connection $CompName -count 1 -quiet){
if ($strAction -eq "Restart"){
if ($IndexNum -eq 0){
& shutdown.exe /r /f /t $Delay /d p:0:0 /m $CompName /c $msg
if ($Error[0]){
$ErrorMsg = $Error[0]
$strOutput = $CompName + "|Error|" + $ErrorMsg
else {$strOutput = $CompName + "|Successful|" + $strAction}
elseif ($IndexNum -eq 1){
Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $CompName -class Win32_OperatingSystem | ForEach-Object {$WinDirectory = $_.WindowsDirectory}
$CopyDirectory = $WinDirectory.ToLower().replace("c:","\\$CompName\c$")
Copy-Item "$Directory\ConfigMgr_Shutdown_Utility.exe" $CopyDirectory -Force
Copy-Item "$Directory\ConfigMgr_Shutdown_Utility.vbs" $CopyDirectory -Force
$strQuery = "Select * from Win32_Process where Name='explorer.exe'"
$SentShutdown = $false
Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $CompName -Query $strQuery | ForEach-Object{
if ($_.Name -ne $null){
$SessionID = $_.SessionID
$LoggedOnUser = $_.GetOwner().User
$LoggedOnDomain = $_.GetOwner().Domain
$LoggedOn = "$LoggedOnDomain" + "\" + "$LoggedOnUser"
if (!($Error[0])) {$ClearError = $true}
& $psexec "\\$CompName" /d /s /i $SessionID wscript.exe "$WinDirectory\ConfigMgr_Shutdown_Utility.vbs" "$WinDirectory\ConfigMgr_Shutdown_Utility.exe" /r /t $Delay /msg "`"$msg`"" | Out-Null
if ($ClearError -eq $true) {$Error.Clear()}
$SentShutdown = $true
$strOutput = $Compname + "|Successful|Gave $LoggedOn a prompt to cancel $strAction"
if ($SentShutdown -eq $false) {
& shutdown.exe /r /f /t $Delay /d p:0:0 /m $CompName /c $msg
$strOutput = $CompName + "|Successful|" + "$strAction"
if ($Error[0]) {$strOutput = $CompName + "|Error|" + $Error}
elseif ($IndexNum -eq 2){
$skip = 0
$strQuery = "Select * from Win32_Process where Name='explorer.exe'"
Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $CompName -query $strQuery | ForEach-Object{
if ($_.Name -ne $null){
$skip = 1
$LoggedOnUser = $_.GetOwner().User
$LoggedOnDomain = $_.GetOwner().Domain
$LoggedOn = "$LoggedOnDomain" + "\" + "$LoggedOnUser"
$strOutput = $CompName + "|Successful|Skipped - $LoggedOn"
if ($skip -eq 0){
& shutdown.exe /r /f /t $Delay /d p:0:0 /m $CompName /c $msg
if ($Error[0]){
$ErrorMsg = $Error[0]
$strOutput = $CompName + "|Error|" + $ErrorMsg
else {$strOutput = $CompName + "|Successful|" + "$strAction"}
elseif ($strAction -eq "Shutdown"){
if ($IndexNum -eq 0){
& shutdown.exe /s /f /t $Delay /d p:0:0 /m $CompName /c $msg
if ($Error[0]){
$ErrorMsg = $Error[0]
$strOutput = $CompName + "|Error|" + $ErrorMsg
else {$strOutput = $CompName + "|Successful|" + "$strAction"}
elseif ($IndexNum -eq 1){
Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $CompName -class Win32_OperatingSystem | ForEach-Object {$WinDirectory = $_.WindowsDirectory}
$CopyDirectory = $WinDirectory.ToLower().replace("c:","\\$CompName\c$")
Copy-Item "$Directory\ConfigMgr_Shutdown_Utility.exe" $CopyDirectory -Force
Copy-Item "$Directory\ConfigMgr_Shutdown_Utility.vbs" $CopyDirectory -Force
$strQuery = "Select * from Win32_Process where Name='explorer.exe'"
$SentShutdown = $false
Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $CompName -Query $strQuery | ForEach-Object{
if ($_.Name -ne $null){
$SessionID = $_.SessionID
$LoggedOnUser = $_.GetOwner().User
$LoggedOnDomain = $_.GetOwner().Domain
$LoggedOn = "$LoggedOnDomain" + "\" + "$LoggedOnUser"
if (!($Error[0])) {$ClearError = $true}
& $psexec "\\$CompName" /d /s /i $SessionID wscript.exe "$WinDirectory\ConfigMgr_Shutdown_Utility.vbs" "$WinDirectory\ConfigMgr_Shutdown_Utility.exe" /s /t $Delay /msg "`"$msg`"" | Out-Null
if ($ClearError -eq $true) {$Error.Clear()}
$SentShutdown = $true
$strOutput = $Compname + "|Successful|Gave $LoggedOn a prompt to cancel $strAction"
if ($SentShutdown -eq $false) {
& shutdown.exe /s /f /t $Delay /d p:0:0 /m $CompName /c $msg
$strOutput = $CompName + "|Successful|" + "$strAction"
if ($Error[0]) {$strOutput = $CompName + "|Error|" + $Error[0]}
elseif ($IndexNum -eq 2){
$skip = 0
$strQuery = "Select * from Win32_Process where Name='explorer.exe'"
Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $CompName -query $strQuery | ForEach-Object{
if ($_.Name -ne $null){
$skip = 1
$LoggedOnUser = $_.GetOwner().User
$LoggedOnDomain = $_.GetOwner().Domain
$LoggedOn = "$LoggedOnDomain" + "\" + "$LoggedOnUser"
$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Successful|Skipped - $LoggedOn"
if ($skip -eq 0){
& shutdown.exe /s /f /t $Delay /d p:0:0 /m $CompName /c $msg
if ($Error[0]){
$ErrorMsg = $Error[0]
$strOutput = $CompName + "|Error|" + $ErrorMsg
else {$strOutput = $CompName + "|Successful|" + "$strAction"}
else {$strOutput = "$CompName |Off"}
Write-Output $strOutput

$Rerun_Deployment = {
$CompName = $null
$CompName = $args[0]
$AdvID = $args[1]
If (test-connection -computername $CompName -count 1 -quiet){
$strQuery = "Select * from CCM_Scheduler_ScheduledMessage where ScheduledMessageID like '" + $AdvID + "%'"
$objSMSSchID = Get-WmiObject -Query $strQuery -Namespace root\ccm\policy\machine\actualconfig -computername $CompName
foreach($instance in $objSMSSchID){$strScheduleID = $instance.ScheduledMessageID}
if ($Error[0]){$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Error| " + $Error}
else {
$strQuery = "Select * from CCM_SoftwareDistribution where ADV_AdvertisementID='" + $AdvID + "'"
Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $CompName -Namespace "root\CCM\Policy\Machine\ActualConfig" -Query $strQuery | ForEach-Object {
$_.ADV_MandatoryAssignments = "True"
$_.ADV_RepeatRunBehavior = "RerunAlways"
$WMIPath = "\\" + $CompName + "\root\ccm:SMS_Client"
$SMSwmi = [wmiclass] $WMIPath
if ($Error[0]){$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Error| " + $Error}
else {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Successful"}
else {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Off"}
Write-Output $strOutput

$CcmEval = {
$CompName = $null
$CompName = $args[0]
$CcmEvalPath = $null
If(Test-Connection $CompName -Count 1) {
Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $CompName -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | ForEach-Object {$WindowsDirectory = $_.WindowsDirectory}
$WindowsDirectory = $WindowsDirectory.replace(":","$")
$WindowsDirectory = "\\$CompName\$WindowsDirectory"
$TestPath1 = $WindowsDirectory + "\CCM\CcmEval.exe"
$TestPath2 = $WindowsDirectory + "\System32\CCM\CcmEval.exe"
$TestPath3 = $WindowsDirectory + "\syswow64\CCM\CcmEval.exe"
if (Test-Path $TestPath1){$CCMEvalPath = $TestPath1}
elseif (Test-Path $TestPath2){$CCMEvalPath = $TestPath2}
elseif (Test-Path $TestPath3){$CCMEvalPath = $TestPath3}
if ($CcmEvalPath -ne $null) {
([WMIClass]"\\$CompName\root\CIMV2:Win32_Process").Create($CcmEvalPath) | Out-Null
if ($Error[0]) {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Error|" + "$Error"}
else {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Successful"}
else {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Error|" + "$Error"}
else {$strOutput = "$CompName" + "|Off"}
Write-Output $strOutput

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