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Brian N. Henry

New Driver Package: The ConfigMgr Provider reported an error


I'm attempting to create a Driver Package on my box (SCCM 2007 R2 with SQL Server 2008 on same box). I put in the name (All Drivers) and the UNC path and click OK. When I do I get the error message:


"The ConfigMgr Provider reported an error."


Checking my smsprov.log file I see the following entry:


[EBC][Fri 07/24/2009 13:07:15]:CExtUserContext: Context Item Name: __GroupOperationId
[EBC][Fri 07/24/2009 13:07:15]:CExtUserContext : Context Item Int value: 2693
[EBC][Fri 07/24/2009 13:07:15]:CExtUserContext : Set ThreadLocaleID OK to: 1033
[EBC][Fri 07/24/2009 13:07:15]:CSspClassManager::PreCallAction, dbname=SMS_R13
[EBC][Fri 07/24/2009 13:07:15]:ExecQueryAsync: START Select Count(CI_ID) From SMS_Driver Where ContentSourcePath='\\\\sl-syscenter\\sccm_packages\\driverpack' Or ContentSourcePath='\\\\sl-syscenter\\sccm_packages\\driverpack\\'
[EBC][Fri 07/24/2009 13:07:15]:Adding Handle 26144132 to async call map
[EBC][Fri 07/24/2009 13:07:15]:CExtProviderClassObject::DoCreateInstanceEnumAsync (SMS_Query)
[EBC][Fri 07/24/2009 13:07:15]:CSspClassManager::ReadAccountFromRegistry, Getting NT Service account... 
[EBC][Fri 07/24/2009 13:07:15]:Using SMS SERVICE Account for impersonation
[EBC][Fri 07/24/2009 13:07:15]:SMS ACCOUNT WORK SUCCEEDED
[EBC][Fri 07/24/2009 13:07:15]:CSspQueryForObject :: Execute...
[EBC][Fri 07/24/2009 13:07:15]:Execute WQL =Select Count(CI_ID) From SMS_Driver Where ContentSourcePath='\\\\sl-syscenter\\sccm_packages\\driverpack' Or ContentSourcePath='\\\\sl-syscenter\\sccm_packages\\driverpack\\'
[EBC][Fri 07/24/2009 13:07:15]:Execute SQL =select  count ( SMS_Driver.CI_ID )  from fn_ListDriverCIs(1033) AS SMS_Driver  where (SMS_Driver.ContentSourcePath = "\\sl-syscenter\sccm_packages\driverpack" OR SMS_Driver.ContentSourcePath = "\\sl-syscenter\sccm_packages\driverpack\")
[EBC][Fri 07/24/2009 13:07:16]:Results returned: 0 of -1
[EBC][Fri 07/24/2009 13:07:17]:Removing Handle 26144132 from async call map
[EBC][Fri 07/24/2009 13:07:17]:ExecQueryAsync: COMPLETE Select Count(CI_ID) From SMS_Driver Where ContentSourcePath='\\\\sl-syscenter\\sccm_packages\\driverpack' Or ContentSourcePath='\\\\sl-syscenter\\sccm_packages\\driverpack\\'
[EBC][Fri 07/24/2009 13:07:17]:CExtUserContext::LeaveThread : Releasing IWbemContextPtr=51490704


Site system status is completely green. I have a few Warnings in components, but most those are from where I accidentally destroyed my previous SCCM server and things are still trying to recover.

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have a look at this maybe you are missing the sql server 2008 hotfix


SQL Server 2008:


* ConfigMgr RTM supports upgrading an existing SQL 2005 site database to SQL 2008, with hotfix 955229; but does not support new installation using a SQL 2008 instance to host the site database.

* ConfigMgr SP1 supports SQL 2008, with hotfix 955262.

* ConfigMgr R2 supports SQL 2008, with hotfix 957576 and 959975.



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It is allso possible to run your site database in compabillity lever: "SQL Server 2005 (90)" to solve this problem.


After this has been changed, restart your MSSQL service and then reload your SCCM Console :)


Sorry if this has been posted elsewhere, been busy all summer B)

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