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Multiple OSD Task Sequences on one USB

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Hey all...

i'm in the process of setting up and deploying DP's to all of the remote sites, but it's going to take some time. In the meantime, I'd like to get the current OS images out to the techs in the field so they can stop using outdated images. Is there a way to create standalone media that houses more than one OSD task sequences? Something that would allow someone to have a single 32 GB USB stick that will give an option to install Windows 7 (32 or 64) and Windows 8.1 (32 or 64)?


Seems do-able, but I didn't know if it's as easy as creating the standalone ISO then using GRUB or something similar to create the menu?

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you could simply add the logic for two task sequences into one task sequence (containing two operating system images), that would be the way I'd do it, and use something like the attached to pick your image/os


multi image.png


download the files for that here




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you could simply add the logic for two task sequences into one task sequence (containing two operating system images), that would be the way I'd do it, and use something like the attached to pick your image/os



I've been doing some reading up on this and while I kind of understand what you're getting at, I'm not sure how to do it. How would I tie the selection from the menu to which OS to install? I know I could simply add in my Operating System images into a single task sequence, but I'm not sure what variables to use under options to tie the two together?

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