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Peter van der Woude

How to make ConfigMgr 2007 ready to advertise and stream Virtual Applications


Prerequisite: ConfigMgr 2007 SP1 R2 is installed.


In this article I will tell and show in a few steps which settings are needed to be able to advertise and stream Virtual Applications. Keep in mind that even when you have ConfigMgr configured for Virtual Applications you will still need the App-V Client to run the applications (for installing the App-V Client see: http://www.petervanderwoude.nl/post/How-to-install-the-App-V-Client-with-ConfigMgr-2007.aspx).


To be able to advertise Virtual Applications the Advertised Programs Client Agent has to be enabled for running virtual application packages. To do this, follow the next steps:

1. Open the Configuration Manager console and navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Site Management / <your_sitename> / Site Settings / Client Agents.

2. Right-click the Advertised Programs Client Agent and select Properties.

3. On the General tab click Allow virtual application package advertisement to enable the client for running Virtual Applications (See picture).

4. Click OK to close the properties.




Note: This enables the Advertised Programs Client Agent to run Virtual Application packages on all Configuration Manager 2007 client computers in the site.



To be able to stream Virtual Applications the Distribution Point has to be enabled for streaming virtual application packages. To do this, follow the next steps:

1. Open the Configuration Manager console and navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Site Management / <your_sitename> / Site Settings / Site Systems, and select the name of the Server or the Server Share.

2. Right-click the ConfigMgr distribution point, in the results pane, and select Properties.

3. On the Virtual Applications tab select Enable virtual application streaming (See picture).

4. Click Ok to close the properties.




Note: To be able to select Enable virtual application streaming make sure Allow clients to transfer content from this distribution point using BITS, HTTP, and HTTPS (required for device clients and Internet-based clients). is selected on the General tab.

Edited by Peter van der Woude
Added a link about installing the App-V Client

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