Sorry for myEnglish, Ido not speak itandnot writtenvery well.Ihope that you willunderstandme anyway.
I have a problemwithSCCM2012R2CU1.When I createa new application andI deploythis application witha deadlinedate in thefuture, the application doesnot appear inthe SoftwareCentreuntildeadline.
If the sameapplication isdeployedonlyavailable without adeadline, the applicationappearsin the SoftwareCentre.
Soonthedeadlinearrived, the applicationappearsin the SoftwareCentreand deployed.
To show the application beforethedeadline, I have toinitiate"Application DeploymentEvaluationCycle"andthe applicationwill appear as soon.
When the computerreceives thepoliciesisthat theSCCMclient shouldmake a "Application DeploymentEvaluationCycle"automatically?
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Sorry for my English, I do not speak it and not written very well. I hope that you will understand me anyway.
I have a problem with SCCM 2012 R2 CU1. When I create a new application and I deploy this application with a deadline date in the future, the application does not appear in the Software Centre until deadline.
If the same application is deployed only available without a deadline, the application appears in the Software Centre.
Soon the deadline arrived, the application appears in the Software Centre and deployed.
To show the application before the deadline, I have to initiate "Application Deployment Evaluation Cycle" and the application will appear as soon.
When the computer receives the policies is that the SCCM client should make a "Application Deployment Evaluation Cycle" automatically?
For example
Google Chrome available at 12:00 for all users
Deadline 14:00
Between 12:00 and 14:00 the application does not appear in the Software Centre.
At 14:00, the application installs automatically.
There is nothing in the "appdiscovery.log" file and "appenforce.log"
Please let me know if you need logs.
Thanks for your help.
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